• (O) Akashi Seijuro x Reader

136 27 8

Notice Me

Word Count: 1095


Your POV

Your cheeks reddened as you watched from afar. You were sitting with your friends as they talked and chatted. Still, you just sat there, holding your sandwich and staring absentmindedly at your crush, Akashi Seijuro.

"Rina!!!" One of your friends shouted in your ear, and you winced, dropping your sandwich to cover your ears.

"Ow!! What was that for?!" You glared at your friends but looked at them in shock to see them smirking your way.

"So, what did he have for lunch THIS time?~" One of them teased, and you immediately looked down at your lap in embarrassment.

"Geez, Rina, just confess to him already!" Another one said, and your cheeks flared up even more.

"W-What?! No way!! He probably already has a girlfriend.. All guys like him always do.." Your voice softened at the end, and your tone showed a hint of sorrow.

You looked up and over to where Akashi was sitting earlier, gulping softly when you saw him staring and watching you intensely.

"Ooh, he's looking this way! Quick! Act cute!" One of your friends whisper-shouted at you, and you blushed, clearly nervous under his stare.

You tried to flip your hair low-key, but you ended up making it weird and obvious. You then tried to eat some of your friends' salad, but your hands were shaking so much that you dropped the fork and tipped the container, some salad landing on your friends.

"Eww! Rina!!"

"What the hell?!"

"It's so cold and soggy!!"

As you frantically apologized repeatedly, you tried to help your friends get cleaned up, only to spill water all over the table.

Everyone in the cafeteria was watching you and your group of friends, laughing and chuckling quietly.

You looked around and got even more nervous, seeing everyone laughing at your clumsiness. You dreaded it, but you looked over at Akashi. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight.

He was smiling at you. His smile was a sight no one ever rarely saw. But this one was especially and only for you.

You froze when he suddenly got up and began walking towards you. Time seemed to stop as he stood before you, holding a handful of paper towels.

"Need a hand?"

You were in such a daze. You couldn't help but admire his features. You've only ever seen him from a distance, and now that you've seen him up close, you want to cherish this moment.

Unfortunately, one of your friends snapped you out of your daze so you could respond to him.

"O-Oh! Right! Uhm, t-that would be great, thank you.." You took some paper towels from his hand and began cleaning up, and Akashi cleaned up beside you.

When you two finished, you bowed politely to him. Your friends had ditched you when you were cleaning, so now it was just you and him.

"A-Ah, thank you for helping me clean up.. I-Is there any way I could repay you for your kindness..?" You said and smiled nervously.

You just couldn't help it! He was so close to you that you could smell his cologne. It smelled very elegant and sophisticated, perfectly suiting his personality. You looked up as he chuckled.

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