• (O) Murisakibara Atsushi x Reader

97 25 15


Word Count: 2672


Your POV

"You excited for the beach, Sushi-chan?" You smile at your boyfriend, taking a sip from your lemonade drink.

The purple-haired titan was currently driving, his eyes lazily watching the road. You were sitting in the passenger seat of his truck, leaning back and enjoying the cool summer breeze flowing in through your open window.

Murasakibara didn't want to drive, but he had to since he lost a bet to you. It probably wasn't the best idea to let one of the laziest people alive drive, but the summer heat made you slow and heavy, so you didn't want to drive either. One of you had to drive since you and your friends, the GOM, Kagami, Momoi, and Riko, were all meeting up at the beach, and it was way too far to walk. If you could have car-pooled, you would have, but these were the circumstances you were stuck with for the time being.

The mention of the beach seemed to sour Murasakibara's mood even further. He was already sour enough from losing the bet, which put him in the position of designated driver.

"No.." He frowned.

You looked at him, "What? How come? I thought you'd be excited since there are so many ice cream stands there in this heat."

Murisakibara shakes his head, still frowning.

You take his free hand resting on his right thigh, "What's on your mind, Sushi-chan?"

He glances at you before looking back at the road, his frown deepening, "People are gonna be looking at my Reader-chin.." He grumbles, and you giggle at him.

"Is that all?" You sigh, smiling up at him.

"And the ice cream there is going to melt because it's so hot," he added, still frowning as he stopped in front of a red light.

You lean up and quickly steal a kiss from him, "Stop worrying so much, Sushi-chan. You know I only love you. Besides, you'd probably finish your ice cream before it melts, so don't let the heat bother you. It's already hot enough without you being so hot-headed." You smile at him.


When you two arrive at the beach, you hop out of the truck, walk over to the back, and grab the things you two brought. You packed many things since you loved being prepared for everything. You brought a picnic blanket, a large umbrella, folding chairs, bags of food, a cooler, extra clothes, extra towels, and everything else you thought you would need. There was a lot, so you figured you could ask the rest of the guys to help you and Murasakibara unload.

You struggled with the cooler since Murasakibara packed it full of sweets, so he took it from you, patting your head gently.

"I got this one, Reader-chin. It's heavy." He says, and you smile at him.

"Thanks, Sushi-chan~" You grab the bag with your swimsuit and a couple bags full of food.

You made a lot since you knew how Murasakibara gets when he's hungry, and you didn't want to risk an angry titan. Besides, the others may not have brought food themselves, so you were prepared in case they were hungry. You only need to prepare for if Murasakibara decides not to share.

"Reader-cchi!! Mura-cchi!! Over here!!"

You look around at the sound of your name being called. You smiled when you spotted Kise, waving back to him as he greeted you both.

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