Sammy vs. Alice

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>>>Sammy's POV<<<

I sighed, "Come on Y/N.... We need to leave now before-" I growled when I heard the clicking of heels and Alice humming to her favorite song I wrote, Absolutely Everything. I looked around frantically until I saw what I was searching for. I grabbed the ax that was leaning next to a Little Miracle station.

I turned to Y/N, "Go and hide in the station. Now!" I shouted and watched her rush into the station. I gripped the ax tighter and stared and the stairs in anticipation. "I know you're there Alice! Show yourself, make your presence known!" I shouted.

Alice chuckled as she slowly walked down the steps. "Sammy Lawrence! What a pleasant surprise. I was actually expecting it to be Henry. But this is even better." She said her smile wide. I growled, "I didn't mean to show up here. Let me leave and you won't have to see me again." I stated. She shook her head, "Oh no, that simply won't do. Sammy, you and I have a past together." She began, stopping to stand not too far from me.

I tilted my head, clearly confused. "You see, we have a strange relationship. I've loved you since the day we met and you've denied me the chance to go out with you." She said. "I'll let you and your friend go. On one condition." I sighed, "And what, pray tell would that condition be?" I asked. She chuckled, "You and I spend one day together."

I laughed, "Yeah...... That'd be real nice Al. But, here's the thing, I've got the Ink Demon riding my ass! Unless you want your hard work to be ruined, i.e the demon taints you. I suggest you step aside and go cry me a river. I. Don't. And never will. Love you. Clear?" I asked with a sarcastic smile.

She growled and pulled out my Tommy Gun. I pointed at it, "And I'm gonna need that back thanks." I said, outstretching my arm, to take it. She pulled locked and loaded the gun and pointed it directly at my heart. "Go out with me, or you and your friend die." She said, her voice low and menacing.

I smirked, "Hold on...... I really need to think about this." I said and walked into the miracle station. Little did Alice know, that the demon had shown up from behind her. She whirled around just as the Ink Demon stopped to stare at her. She screamed in terror and pulled the trigger, my gun releasing all of its bullets.

Not a single one damaged the beast. He simply gurgled in annoyance and walked closer to Alice. "Fear doesn't look good on you toots. Let me help you." He said and grabbed her face. She screamed as he began to deform her until she was nothing but a small black, oozing blob. I chuckled and waited until the demon wandered away.

Once I knew for sure he was gone I rushed out and grabbed my gun. I hugged it tight, "Oh I missed you so much! Now no one will stand in my way! For I, Sammy Lawrence! Now have a freaking Tommy Gun!" I shouted, grinning happily. To my misfortune, I shouted too loud and the demon found me. "Well, that dream didn't last long....." I sighed.

Bendy walked up to me and tilted his head, "Sammy? What are you doing? Where's your little female friend? Did Alice kill her?" He asked. "No, My Lord. She's fine. I just need to get her out of here." I said, slowly pointing my gun at him for, you know, safety precautions.

He chuckled, "No need for violence Sammy. I'm setting you free now." He told me. I felt my heart lurch, "My Lord?" Bendy nodded, "Yes. Follow me, promise. Your friend can come too." He told me. "You mean it? No harm will come to Y/N?" He nodded.

I smiled, "Ok. Thank you so much, My Lord." I said and opened the door for the miracle station. "He won't hurt us. It's o-" Bendy stabbed me through the chest. "My-My Lord..... Why?" He said nothing and everything blacked out.


Welp as always,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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Until next chapter my young readers!❤️

Peace ✌️

- Crystal Z

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