First Day On The Job

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>>>Y/N's POV<<<

I ran through the front door of the studio, panting as I rushed to the Music Department. I was running extremely late. "I can't believe my mother! Why would she shut off my alarm?! Mr. Drew isn't going to be pleased." I ran into the music room, and instead of Mr. Drew's angry face, I felt myself shrink as I looked into the sapphire blue eyes of none other than the Music Department's director, Sammy Lawrence. He pushed his blonde hair behind his ear and glared at me. "So nice of you to FINALLY show up Ms. L/N." He said sarcastically. "You are over an hour late! I have had enough time to get five tunes done and have a full conversation with Jack." He tapped his foot and continued to glare at me.

He shook his head and pinched his brow. "Just................ Get to work. And don't stop.... You don't get any breaks unless I say otherwise." He growled, and walked back to his office. I wandered back to my office and began to practice singing. Once I was sure that I was 'pitch-perfect, I began to write the music sheets needed for Sammy to play. I worked until around 5:00 PM and then my door to my office opened. I turned around and saw Sammy looking at me with a blank stare. "Hi, sir." I said, slowly looking at the ground in shame.

He sighed, "Stop....... Follow me........" He walked away and I floundered about trying to follow him. He told me to wait in front of a large door. He ran up and I saw him turn on the projector, run back down to play the violin, piano, drum, and banjo. He waved me over and the large door opened. He stood in front of the opening and turned to look at me. "This is my sanctuary..... Don't make me regret letting you use it." He said and walked in. I assumed he wanted me to follow him, so I did. Inside was a large room full of music sheets and instruments. "Come in here when you feel stressed or are being bothered way too much....." He sighed. "This is the only shrivel of kindness you're getting out of me." He said and walked out of the room.

I smiled at him as I watched him walk away. I knew I was going to enjoy working here. Now I enjoy it even more.

Sorry that this is so short.

 This is my first x reader and I'm running low on ideas for it. 

(Hence why I'm asking for everyone to give me their opinions on what should happen next.) 

So, until next chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. 


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