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>>>Sammy's POV<<<

I was busy helping Jack come up with a rhythm for his lyrics. But I was very distracted. Y/N was lurking about in my mind. I tried to shake myself back to my job but couldn't.

"Hey, Sam? What's botherin' ya?" Jack asked me. I sighed,"The new employee..... Y/N..... She's lingering in my head and I can't get rid of her." I growled. "I can't afford to be distracted by such nonsense." Jack chuckled and patted my back, "You're in love man. Accept it. She's quite the catch if I'm being honest." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes and looked away from Jack. "Don't humor me. I don't have time for a love life. No since......." Jack nodded, "I know..... But this may be the world's way of giving you a second chance at life. You should give Y/N a chance. She's a hard worker and she's real sweet." He told me.

I looked at Jack and shook my head, "No. I must stay on task. We have deadlines, Jack...... I can't...... Mr. Drew would make sure I'd rue the day I missed a deadline." I stated.

Jack sighed, "Alright bud. In the end, it is your decision. You should still consider the possibility though." Jack told me and returned to his work. I sighed and walked back to my office. I noticed my sanctuary door was open. I growled in anger, "What did I just get done telling her?"

I walked in and saw that Y/N had fallen asleep on her music sheets. I watched as her back rose and fell rhythmically to her breathing. I sighed and shook my head. "Such a woman shouldn't affect my heart this way. The only other woman that did this to me was Vivian..... And she's........" I sighed.

I grabbed a blanket and draped it over Y/N's sleeping figure. Something about doing so brought a slight smirk to my usually expressionless face. "Maybe you're right Jack....... We'll see what happens." I murmured and walked out of my sanctuary closing the door as I left.

>>>Y/N's POV<<<

I shot awake after hearing Sammy's smooth tone in my dreams. I looked around to see if he was there. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that he wasn't. Then I noticed that I had a blanket covering me.

I took both corners and wrapped the blanket further around myself and sighed happily. "That was a good nap. But I'm afraid that I might get myself into trouble if I keep falling asleep like that." I said to myself.

I rose from my seat and walked out of Sammy's sanctuary. I saw Norman sitting by the projector waiting for his orders. Wally was sweeping the floor and singing to himself. I saw Susie in the recording station practicing her vocals.

Today was very busy. "How long was I asleep?" I asked myself. "Five hours...... Which isn't good." I heard Sammy growl. I jumped and turned to look him in the eye. "I'm so sorry Mr. Lawrence!" I said. He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

"Look Ms. L/N. We have no time for random scattered-brained nonsense. We have deadlines to meet. So please cooperate and meet them. Go with Ms. Campbell and practice your vocals. We record today." He told me and stalked away.

I pointed slightly, "Man, and I thought I was really rubbing off on him...... I thought he'd like me by now." I saw Jack walk towards me. "Give it time Y/N. Sammy isn't one of those guys who just 'falls' for the first chick they see. He puts them to the test, sees how you treat others. You'll know if you're worthy trust me." He winked and walked away.

Leaving me to my thoughts. I walked into the recording station and chatted with Susie while we waited for our time to voice act.

Hopefully, Sammy will accept me as his friend. Maybe even more than that.

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