38. Brutal Hunger.

Start from the beginning

""In bas so-teen-too ara-ma-eet."" Lilith spoke the Aramaic sentence with ease, practically perfect. Caroline and Tyler gave her wide eyes while Klaus smirked. The hybrid had a bit of a thing for when Lilith spoke in other languages.

"What does that mean?" Caroline asked the female Mikaelson.

"If only you spoke Aramaic." Lilith was grinning wildly as she spoke. From then on Caroline kept showing her pictures, asking her to translate them. Lilith did. She honestly enjoyed speaking Aramaic, it was interesting.

"Okay, this is it. We've translated all the symbols on the tattoo. "Passage inside...requires a young senator, and a pretty flower."" Caroline read the translation and let out a frustrated groan. "Okay, none of this makes sense!"

Lilith spoke in Aramaic once more, Caroline immediately looking up at her. "Requires a powerful witch and a hunter in full bloom." Lilith spoke the words in English this time. After she spoke Klaus and Lilith shared a knowing smile. Tyler noticed.

"What are you doing?" Tyler asked lowly.

"I don't need to tell you my reasons. Caroline. Bring my sword over here." Klaus ordered, ignoring the young hybrid. Caroline did as told and brought the sword close enough for Lilith to read the cryptex. Klaus only smiled.

""Silas rests on the far side, the means of his destruction at hand."" Lilith glances at the pictures of Jeremy's tattoo on the computer screen. "Turn the cryptex to the right. Stop. The top of the hilt reveals a key to a nautical map. Turn it to the left. Now turn the other piece. There's something else." Caroline quietly obliged Lilith's orders. Lilith smiled and spoke Aramaic once more.

"What does it mean?" Lilith smiled, a predatory smile. "Lilith, what does it mean?"

"There is only one dose." Lilith's words were vague but Caroline immediately got the message. She froze, mouth dropping open. Tyler growled and stormed out of the house, Caroline quickly following. The Mikaelson couple smiled and moved to an arm chair. Lilith sat in Klaus' lap as they quietly spoke.

"How's the hunger?" Klaus ran a hand through Lilith's brown hair. Lilith sighed quietly.

"It's getting worse, I need to feed. Tonight." Lilith growled and shook her head, trying to rid the feeling of hunger away. Klaus went to respond but Caroline reentered the home. She looked calm yet sad.

"You can't kill Tyler." Caroline said softly, referring to the conversation she just had with Tyler. She knew Klaus and Lilith were listening.

"Not only can I, I have to. I have a reputation to uphold. Moreover, I want to." Klaus smirked and tightened his grip on Lilith.

"I'm not asking you to forgive him. All I'm asking is that you let him live, somewhere far from here."

"So he can live a happy life? No. He tried to kill Klaus and besides he wants to find the cure so he could use it against Klaus-" Caroline cut off the growling brunette.

"We all want the cure." Caroline was defensive.

"Do we?" Caroline stares mutely at Klaus. "Do you?"

"It doesn't matter. There's only one, so it's not like I'm gonna get it anyway." Caroline mumbled, dropping her gaze.

"But if you could...you wouldn't, would you?" Lilith said as she rose gracefully from Klaus' lap. "You prefer who you are now to the girl you once were. You like being strong, ageless, fearless." Caroline says nothing.

"We're the same, Caroline." Klaus finished off where Lilith ended. Caroline sighed and looked at the couple.

"Then show me. You know how much I love Tyler. You can see how scared I am to lose him. If you and I are so similar, then show me your compassion. Show him the mercy that I would show you." Lilith and Klaus groaned loudly.

"Mercy? For Tyler? Very well. Tell him to leave town immediately." Klaus starts walking away but turns back to the vampire. "And tell him to run and hide in a place I will never find him."

"Of course." Caroline looked hopeful as she grabbed her jacket.

"Tell him that this is the mercy I extend for your sake...that I will give him a head start before I kill him." Lilith snarled and Caroline's face fell. The vampire nodded slowly and left the house. The moment the door closed Lilith collapsed against the barrier, head in her hands. The necklace now almost black.

"Lilith?" Klaus rushed to Lilith's side and held her face. Scales were flickering across Lilith's skin while she eyes shifted. Klaus knew Lilith did not have long. As if hearing his thoughts the barrier fell, Lilith almost hitting the floor. Lilith reached a hand out and it went through. She smiled and walked towards the door, strides long and elegant. Klaus followed after.

The exited the him and saw Caroline on the perch swing. She looked up and froze. "How did you get out?" Caroline asked quickly.

"I fear something awful has befallen your friend Bonnie." Lilith spoke quietly because even though she hated the young witch, she respected them greatly. She took a step forward but stopped when Caroline tensed.

"Don't worry, love. You know we'd never hurt you." Klaus said to the blonde.

"You've done enough." Caroline's voice was hard and cold. Klaus and Lilith shared a glance.

"I've done more than enough. I've shown kindness, forgiveness, pity...because of you, Caroline. It was all for you." Klaus and Lilith spoke as one, voices echoing each other. Caroline says nothing. The Mikaelsons nod and disappear from her view. As they left the duo made a plan: feed and get their strength back, move Kol to his coffin for him to rest, and then hunt down Tyler. It was Perfect.

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