Chapter Eighteen:

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Spencer’s P.O.V.

                My face grimaced in pain as the blinding pain light attacked my weak eyes.  Where was I? I was in a fairly small room with the most generic decoration. An annoying beep kept sounding off sounding steady as a pulse. It looked like a hospital. Why would I be in an hospital? Then it all hit me like a freight train. Billy?!? My eyes weakly scanned around.  I saw the faint, blurry outline of a body. Quickly or maybe it took a long time, I didn’t know, time didn’t seem to matter, but I registered it as Billy.

“Billy.” My voice croaked but I didn’t care. Billy was alive. He wasn’t dead.

“Spencer, baby.” He whispered. His emerald green eyes shining brighter than I’ve ever seen them before. I searched his face and found butterfly stiches on his forehead. Anger bubbled in my stomach as I thought   of who caused them but I was too happy to see Billy. I had so many questions and things to tell him.

“Billy, what happened? How bad did he hurt you? How did you get out? Where are my grandparents? Aunt Niccole? Are they okay?” I started to ask more but Billy interrupted me. Oh well, I was starting to get tired anyways. The pain in my body was sinking it, taking root in every nerve of my body.

“Settle down, Sparky.” The teasing smile drove my drugged body crazy.  The steady beat became erratic and made me blush, but Billy kept smiling. “All of us are fine. All I need were these stitches.” Billy pointed to his bandaged forehead. “Everybody else went down to the cafeteria.” I nodded. As soon as the movement was made, I instantly regretted it. My head started to spin and everything turned black with colored spots. Slowly the hospital room came back into view. Billy looked a little worried when my vision came back.

“I’m sorry. I got dizzy.” I muttered, embarrassed.

“Are you alright?” He asked, concerned.

“Yes.” I sighed. “Now tell me how you got out. The last thing I remembered you were…”  I didn’t finish the sentence because I could feel that fear again. The fear that he wasn’t going to be alive anymore.  

“When I woke up you were already unconscious. I was so scared, love. I thought you were dead.” His green eyes blinked furiously. “I saw you breathing slightly. That drove me. I found a vase and knocked your dad out with it.” He admitted the last part, bashfully.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered.

“For what?” Billy asked, confused.

“I shouldn’t have let you go down near him. I knew what his threats were. I shouldn’t-,” He hushed me by kissing my lips, gently. A warmth spread through my aching body. I heard the machine start going crazy. My face was bright red when Billy pulled away

“You’re so cute.” He chuckled. He brushed my hair back out of my face.

“I love you.” I breathed.

“Spencer!” I heard my grandma exclaimed. Billy pulled away with a slight bashful blush. I felt Grandma’s arms wrap around me, sending a shooting pain throughout my torso and being engulfed in a wave of perfume.

“Ow, Grandma. You’re hurting me.” I gasped out.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Spencer.” She apologized, loosening her grip slightly and then pulling away.

“It’s alright.” I reassured her. Aunt Niccole darted in after Grandma and hugged me, gently.

“I’m going to go to the bathroom.” Billy said, awkwardly. I was the only one who noticed him leaving. I forced a smile as I was already missing him. Before he left the room, he mouthed, “I love you too, baby.”

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