Chapter Nine:

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"Spencer, can you work the counter after school today?" Grandma asked me from across the table. I looked up from my bowl of cereal confused. Billy was supposed to work today. He didn't say anything about taking the day off yesterday.

"Yes, ma'am but where's Billy?" I asked. I tried not to act too interested but felt like I was failing miserably.

"Oh, the poor thing called in sick. Said he was throwing up. Must be some kind of flu." Grandma said, sympathetically. I instantly felt a pang of worry in my chest. Was someone taking care of him? No, his parents were working were today. I wished I could be there for him. Then an idea came to my head.

"That sucks." I said, frowning slightly. Grandma nodded her head in agreement. "Um...I got to go." I stood up, picking up my bowl.

"Alright, have a good day, sweetie." She said, smiling up at me.

"Mhm." I said, distracted. I went into the kitchen and rinsed out my bowl. "Bye, Grandma." I started heading out the door. I turned left like I always did when I walked out the store. Once I reached the usually empty intersection and did something new: I turned right instead of left. I walked all the way to Billy's house quickly and hopefully unnoticed. I knocked on his door. I had to wait longer than usual for Billy to answer the door. As soon as the door swung open, I realized why. His once tan face was now drained of all color and dark circles encased his dull, emerald eyes. He had a thick blanket wrapped around his half bare body.

"Babe." He said, somewhat surprised. I think it meant to come out as an exclamation but his voice was too weak to hold onto it. I went through the door.

"Hey." I said, softly. I closed the door behind me so that it was just us. "How are you feeling?"

"Good." He said, with a small smile. I chuckled and said, "Sure, you are." He opened his mouth to argue but I put my finger up to his mouth, shushing him.

"Come on. Let's get upstairs." I said, interlocking my arm with his. He didn't argue with me. I knew he wasn't sick, he wouldn't have silenced and complied so quickly. We walked up the stairs with my arm wrapped around his waist to keep him steady. Once we got to his room, he collapsed onto the bed. Billy curled up into a little ball, shaking. My heart wanted to break at the sight of him looking so sick. I didn't know what to do to make it better but I was willing to do whatever it took.

I looked down at the bucket next to his bed. It was half full with the foulest looking and smelling puke. How could I not of noticed that right away? I looked back up at the half asleep Billy and then back down to the puke bucket. I needed to clean it out and Billy wasn't going to notice my momentary departure. I picked it up and started to head out the door but was stopped by Billy.

"Where are you going?" He whined. "Please don't go." I turned around with a smirk. I never pegged Billy for the whiny, sick type. I walked back over to him and set the bucket back down. I bent over and planted a kiss on his sweaty, pale forehead.

"I'll be back." I promised, sweetly. "I just need to clean out the bucket." His lower lip stuck out. I chuckled at the babyish look on his face and left. It took about ten minutes to clean it out. It probably wouldn't take as long if I hadn't of gagged and almost toss my cookies so much. Cleaning puke was not for the weak of heart or stomach. Before heading back, I grabbed a wet washcloth.

I came back. Billy was sitting up, holding his stomach with a sickly look on his face. Uh-oh. I quickly handed him the now pristine bucket. Barely a second later, Billy was throwing up his guts into the bucket. I sat next to him, with my hand resting as a comfort on his back. I turned my head the other way, trying to block out all those nasty sounds and smells. I could seriously not be a nurse or a doctor. A few minutes later, Billy picked his head up, looking even more tired than before if that was even possible. He handed the bucket back to me.

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