Chapter Two

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The bell rang, sending me to lunch. I was a ball nerves as I walked down the halls. I was so nervous because next block I was going be around Adam. Don't be stupid, Spencer. Act natural. No need to cause any suspicion.

"Hey." Casey said, coming up to me. She still looked a little angry because of last night but at least she was speaking to me now.

"Hi." I said, distantly. We walked down the hall in an awkward silence. Neither of us wanted to bring up last night. Feeling guilty, I took her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. She smiled, looking less pissed. "How was your day?" Her guard was down now and words flooded out of her mouth. I faded away, only nodding and smiling at the right moments. In the cafeteria, we sat with Adam, Mark, Maggie, and Carla. I sat in between Adam and Casey.

"Hey." Adam said as I sat down.

"Hey." I said, smiling. I didn't really care to talk to Carla, Mark or Maggie. They were Casey's friends. I turned away from all them and started taking about cars with Adam. It was hard to focus on Casey when Adam was around. Although being around Adam Gabe me butterflies in my stomach, talking to him was natural. Talking to him made me feel much better than talking with Casey. After the bell rang. I left for gym with Adam, leaving Casey behind without a goodbye. Guilt tugged at me but my desire to be with only Adam right pulled harder. I'll take the blow for that later. Maybe I would get lucky and she would break up with me. If only, I thought. We got into the locker room. We were the only ones in there. My palms started to get sweaty as my mind started to imagine scenarios involving Adam and I in compromising positions. 

"Adam." I said, making him turn towards me. He grabbed my face and kissed me. Surprised, I kept my eyes opened for a few seconds but then they slowly closed. He was kissing me! It wasn't as great as I imagined but much better than kissing girls. There was no spark. It was great and sexy but not love. I was okay with that though. I felt alive for the first time in my life. I crushed my lips against mine and bit his lip. I could tell he liked it by the way he pulled my hair. Then suddenly he threw me off of him and yelled,
"Get the hell off of me, you pervert!" I fell to the ground, hurt and confused that he would say that. I saw all the guys from our class standing at the doorway. Then I understood why he said that. Fear gripped my chest. I could hear voices but no words reached my ears. How could he do that to me? He started it. I understood the hell we would have gotten but we would have gotten through it together. I tried to get up and run away, feeling the fear spread into every inch of me but Kevin, one of the linebackers held me against a locker. I felt the fist of multiple guys hit me. I heard all the words that came from them now. They were calling me a weirdo, pervert, queer, and fag. These guys were all my friends. We had grown up together, gone through our whole lives together. How could they attack me like this? Adam just sat there and watched. His eyes screamed at me with disgust. I just didn't understand.

"Come on, take a swing at him." Kevin said to Adam. I didn't think he would do it. He wouldn't stoop that low. How wrong was I. His fist slammed into my face. I grunted in pain. That was the worst blow I had received so far. I didn't know if it was because of the force behind his fist or if it was because it was Adam punching me. I felt his and others fist punch all over my old bruises. The familiar metallic filled my mouth and blood poured out. I tried to fight back so I could escape but Kevin was using every fiber of his being to hold me down. I didn't try and plead my way out of this. I just accepted my fate, hoping it would end soon.

"What the hell is going on here?" Coach Martin yelled, coming into the locker room. Everyone swarmed away, leaving me collapsed on the cold, dirty floor.

"This queer kissed Adam." some guy finally said.

"Is this true?" Coach Martin asked, his beady eyes burning. It all depended on what Adam said what my fate would be.

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