Chapter Seventeen:

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Billy's P.O.V.

“Sir, can I take you to your room now?” I looked up to see a little black haired nurse. She looked like she just graduated.

“Yes.” I said. She took me a few doors down. The room was bland with bright white walls and beige curtains. On the hospital bed, laid a white hospital gown. I sat on the edge on the bed where the nurse told me to. She checked my blood pressure and other medical stuff.

“Now change into the gown and I’ll go get the doctor.” She said.

“No just stitch me up or whatever you have to do. I just want to see Spencer.” I said, angry. I was fine. It was Spencer they should be worrying about. All I had was a cut and a headache. Spencer had much worse. Broken rubs among other bones, gashes, and maybe some internal bleeding. I wasn’t completely sure. My parents were the doctors not me.

“Calm down, sir. Don’t cause yourself anymore stress.” The nurse said, trying to calm me down.

“I am calm.” I yelled. Fear skirted across her face and she ran out the room. I didn’t care. She didn’t know that the love of my life was hanging by a thread somewhere in this hospital. I needed to be there. Not here in this stupid hospital. The only other better place would be wherever Spencer’s dad was. I should have killed him. I will if Spencer doesn’t make it. It wouldn’t matter what happened to me then. My future would be gone anyways.

                The nurse came back in with a medical kit and some medicine. She cleaned and stitched up my cut. Then she gave me some medicine.

“This will help with the pain and dizziness.” She said, handing me two pills and a cup of water. I swallowed the pills and drank the water in one gulp.

“Do you know if Spencer is awake yet?” I asked, after I swallowed.

“No, not yet.” My heart sank even further.

“Where is he?”

“I can’t tell you.”

“Why the hell not?” I asked, feeling anger and annoyance surge through me. Then I remembered my manners of being in front of a lady even an annoyingly frustrating one like her. “I’m sorry, ma’am.” I apologized quickly.

“I’ll take you to the waiting room.” She said, ignoring my apology.

“Thanks.” I muttered and followed her out into the hall and into the waiting room. The waiting room was more decorated than the hospital room. On the beige walls hung generic pictures that I didn’t particularly care for. About ten dark brown cushioned chairs were placed around the waiting room. In between the chairs, sat end tables with magazines and a blue lamp on the top. In the corner, I saw Ms. Niccole and Mr. and Mrs. Hartman sitting. Mrs. Hartman looked like she was praying. Ms. Niccole was shaking her leg and wringing her hands in her lap. Mr. Hartman looked to be sleeping but he was frowning too deeply.

                The nurse left us alone. I turned to say goodbye or thank you, but then I saw the sign on the wall. We were in the ICU waiting room. The wind was knocked out of me. I had hoped that maybe, this was all in my head. That I was overreacting and Spencer was just fine. But I wasn’t. He was in the ICU or he was going to be soon. They didn’t put people there for nothing. Now it was real. Too real.

“Billy, sit down. How’s your head?” Mrs. Hartman said. She had finished praying and was now pointing to the chair across from her.

“Fine,” I said, sitting down. “Any news on Spencer?” It took all of my weak strength not to cry.

“No, not yet.” I hated those words. “We have only been here a few minutes.”

“Billy, “ Mr. Hartman started, “what exactly happened?” I guess Mrs. Hartman didn’t tell them much. Well how could she? I was a blubbering mess on the phone. I nodded, taking a deep breath. I needed to be strong for Spencer and them.  I was about to start talking but a stern voice interrupted me.

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