"She didn't tell you what happened?" I was honestly shocked. I thought for sure she'd pounce on the opportunity to blame me for it.

"I guess not. What happened, Luke?" He asked, more irritated this time. "What did you do?"

"She pushed me, I didn't even touch her. She just stumbled back." I said vaguely, not really wanting to explain the situation. I thought she would have been the one to do it.

"Luke what the hell did you do?" Michael pressed me again, only much more aggressively than before. I knew he'd be pissed.

"I got in her face and she tripped over her chair. She reached for the table and grabbed the hot plate instead." I sighed, getting it all off my chest. I didn't look up at any of them knowing I'd get 3 angry faces staring at me.

"What's your problem with her?" Ashton asked suddenly.

"I don't have a problem with her." I stated, wanting them to drop Izzy as the subject.

"Good, cuz she's coming to sit with us." Michael told me, nodding his head in the direction behind me.

Izzy's POV

I was heading over to the table when I saw Michael motion in my direction. Luke's head shot my way, giving me a cold look before quickly turning around again. Once I got to the table there were no empty chairs.

"Here, I'll grab you a chair." Michael went to stand up, but Luke interrupted him before he could.

"I'm leaving, she can have mine." And just like that he grabbed all his things and walked out of the dining hall. I watched him walk out and turned back to the guys, giving them an apologetic look.

"Actually, I forgot something in my room I'm just going to eat in there." I said, quickly waving to them and heading out the door. I heard a couple 'wait's', but I just ignored them.

I still had no idea what I did to Luke for this kind of hatred. I tried to play nice and make a good first impression, but it obviously wasn't good enough for him. It's not like he shits on me every chance he got, it was just the cocky attitude that made me feel so horrible. I've never had someone talk to me the way he did before.

I scanned into my building and waited a minute for the elevator to open up. I got in and pressed my floor, watching it light up before leaning against the wall and taking my phone out. Someone stopped the doors from closing and jumped in with me, and when I looked up it was the devil himself. I looked away the second he turned to me, trying my best to ignore him. Maybe that would get him to leave me alone.

"You're on my floor." He told me as if I cared. I shot him a quick glance before looking back to my phone.

"Silent treatment, huh?" He took a couple steps closer to me, making me shift uncomfortably. He just glared down at me as I regrettably decided to meet his eyes. I have never felt so intimidated by someone in my life.

I heard the ding of the elevator sound, breaking me away from our stare down. I brushed past him and started walking to my room, feeling Luke close behind me. I stopped at my room and took my key card out of my pocket to unlock it.

"Howdy neighbor." Luke joked. I turned to face him, only to see him unlocking the room right next to mine. He smirked at me and then disappeared into his dorm. As if seeing him in class wasn't bad enough as is, now he knew I lived right next to him. I could only imagine how much he was going to bother me now.

I lied about forgetting something in my room, though. I ate half of my sushi, throwing the rest away so I wouldn't keep eating it. Once it was time for my next class I rushed out the door as quickly as I could, not wanting to run into my neighbor from hell.

Toxic -  Luke HemmingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz