Chapter 13: Guilt and Inquiry

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Ice Kingdom

[What I feel like Jared would be listening to]

[Back to the story]

Sweat poured down his head, muscles clenching and unclenching as he heaved himself up and down again. Gritting his teeth, he let out a sharp hiss. Then up and down again. A breath and he heaved himself up again before dropping to the floor, having finished his pull-ups.

He performed a push-up before leaping to his feet and jumping in the air. A sprint on the spot for around thirty seconds before dropping to the floor for another push-up.

Music pounded around the room, hyping his workout.

"What are you doing?"

He squealed and leapt back, breathing heavily. Before looking at the voice's owner. "Come on, man! Don't just scare people like that!"

Bob blinked. Then called out, "Music off." The music stopped immediately. He placed a hand on his hip and walked forward. "What are you doing?"

"A workout!" Jared walked to the side of the room and picked up a towel, dabbing his neck. "I'm building a more manly self."

A frown. "When did you start working out?"

"A few days ago."

"You should stop. Take it slow - you're going to pull a muscle." A pause, then a small smile. "And I don't think that shriek is going to help you become more manly." A sigh. "Stop trying to impress Eliza - no-one will like a person who's faking it. Just be you. Some girls like guys who are not masses of muscles." A shrug. "Take me for example."

Jared raised an eyebrow. Looked him up and down. "Have you had any suitors?"

"No, because I'm stuck in the palace doing all your dirty work. I don't have time to meet people."

A sigh. Jared looked away and back. "Look, Bob. I don't think you understand. Thorn is literally the fastest, most powerful body of tight and bulging muscles I have ever encountered in my life. And I'm supposed to compete with that?"

Bob's expression was indescribable. But it was most certainly a face of both disappointment and judgemental confusion. "You're not competing with anything. They're literally married."

"A man can dream."

He blinked. "I truly don't understand. It's a waste of time."

A sigh. "That's not the only reason I was working out. It's also because I'm worried about the potential upcoming war. I mean, I need to fight. And what if I'm in a circumstance where I can't use my ability? What am I supposed to do then? I have to rely on muscles."

Bob nodded. "Okay..." A breath. "As your advisor and also the smartest person you know, I'm going to tell you something. It'd be fine to build muscle, but there is no way you're going to be able to rely on that in a fight without your ability. Your biggest fighting strength is your ability. The second biggest fighting strength will come in your agility and ability to evade a situation where muscle is needed. When you don't have strength building naturally on your side, you need to focus on other areas you will excel in... I'll help with that - and you can always go to the battle training areas to help yourself with that."

A small smile from Jared. "Fine." A pause. "I'm also worried about Eliza. I don't have any ideas. So, if you do, that'd be great." He put out his arms and gestured towards himself. "Come here."

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