Q+A 2... With Characters!

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SPOILER WARNING! (Read the book first) Suicidal mentions warning. And... Inference of some situations... warning... ?? 

*Nod my head* Okay, let's remove the dampener and talk about me.

Thorn: Come on, no one wants to hear that!

*Glare at him* I am the author of your book... Think about all that entails. I'm warning you... *Smile* Okay, the question is: Is there music in Fire and/or Ice? The answer to that is yes. There is. It's not big in Fire, and there isn't that much variety - in fact, music is banned in a few places - but there is music. Actually, one of the Council Members really like a particular genre of music. I won't say more about that because I'd be getting into spoiler territory, but yeah... There are quite a few famous singers in Ice. However, there are generally two types of music in Ice - nice background music in the Ice Kingdom half, or upbeat and/or epic ballad type music in the Criminal Corps half (mainly found in different clubs, bars and wealthier gangs or homes). 

Kay, let's go for a rapid-fire round.

Thorn, what do you fear most?

Thorn: Losing what and who I love.

Svorn, If you had to bring 3 things to a deserted island where you would promptly be trapped for the rest of your life and you couldn't fly away, what would you bring?

Svorn: A journal and pen for recording things and finishing up. A knife to help for shelter, maintenance, water and food. And another knife as a spare if the first one breaks by the time I get around to killing myself.

*Pause* That turned dark quick.

Svorn: If I'm on an island a good enough distance away from people and I'm unable to fly away, and no-one knew where I was, that'd be the perfect opportunity to kill myself.

*A nod* Let's just not get into this discussion now. Me, what's your favourite genre to write? Any genre I can insert a psychological thought-provoking concept into.

Eliza, what's your biggest insecurity?

Eliza: I find it difficult to show affection and other things towards people, so I often appear uncaring and 'stand-off-ish'. I don't like that about myself.

Elena, have you ever had a pet?

Elena: Yep. I had a snake once. I also found a new breed of fire animal I named a 'firog', because it looked a bit like a dog, and I kept it as a pet. But my parents sent it away to be documented when they found out, and I never saw it again after that.

Jared, if you could change one thing physically about yourself, what would you change?

Jared: Only one thing? I'll tell you what I'd change - I'd swap my body with Thorn's. Do you know how awesome that guy looks?

No, seriously, pick one thing.

Jared: Hmm... My nose? No, my jaw. No... Yeah, my ears.

Why your ears?

Jared: You probably can't see it because of my hair, but I have a chunk missing from one of my ears, and the other one's slightly smaller. I'd just like a normal pair of ears.

Your ears are perfect! They tell a story! They're interesting!

Jared: Really? Before I became the king of Ice, I was turned away from every job I tried to work at because of how my ears looked.

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