The living room wasn't full of people (thank God) I couldn't handle anyone accidentally grabbing my ass or spilling beer on Peyton's eighty two dollar neon green Revolve bodysuit that she let me borrow. My closet really isn't frat party material or any party material for that matter. It was full of sweaters and loungewear. So after having Peyton judge my outfit choices for one hour straight, I settled for the bodysuit and the shortest pair of shorts I have ever worn.

Peyton paired up with Nathan, he's a tall hazel eyed brunette and BGU's starting second base man. Fun fact, he's also Peyton's ex boyfriend. They ended on good terms and after a one year relationship they managed to stay civil friends.

"Want to spice things up a little bit Peyton?" Stensby asks my blonde best friend Peyton and I raise my eyebrow at him. "I have two bottles of fireball up in my room, want to play the next round with fireball shots?"

"Stensby, I have a seven am lab tomorrow and I already have had way too many drinks at pregame." Peyton says as she throws the white ping pong ball in the air and it lands in the red cup in the middle. "The pants, off."

Stensby chugs the beer in the red cup and then unbuttons his blue washed jeans leaving him only in his grey button up shirt and his black Calvin Klein boxers. "I smell ridiculous excuses Sawyer."

Peyton crosses her arms on her chest ready to accept the challenge. Her long blonde hair stood perfectly below her elbow, her make up was still intact despite the fact that she's had more than five tequila shots and a few beers in her system.

I would be a wreck if I were her, but that was Peyton though. Perfect, just like the Victoria's Secret models on the glass showcase pictures in the small store downtown.

"I smell a challenge from which I clearly won't be backing down, you're going down Stensby. When I'm done with you, you'll be begging Coach Davidson for mercy tomorrow at practice." Peyton says confidently with a smug expression on her face.

If I didn't leave anytime soon, I would be the one begging for mercy tomorrow at practice.

"Everest, would you be the amazing friend I know and love?" Stensby pleads and I raise my eyebrows. The lazy little fucker was going to send me to grab the Fireball bottles from his room.

"You don't have to be such a suck up Stensby, I know I don't even have a choice. Where exactly is this room of yours?"

"It's the last room to in the hallway to your left, on the third floor." Stensby answers as he sends the white ping pong ball he was holding in his hands into the red cup on the the other side of the table. "Dress, off."

"I knew you wanted me to take my dress off when I walked out of my room Stensby, but you could've just asked and done it yourself."

When Peyton took off her midi white dress she had bought off her favorite online boutique (and all of the Kappa Delta's favorite online boutique) Princess Polly that was my cue to leave.

I walked out of the living room and I pushed through the very crowded front entrance. As I was making my way to reach the staircase I spotted Connery with some of the guys from the swimming team and of course the usual group of sorority girls (they were more like groupies but you get the point). He was leaning against the railing of the staircase with a red cup in his hand. Connery was wearing black acid stacked skinny jeans with an olive green colored hoodie and a jean jacket on top. What topped of his aesthetically pleasing look was the pair of customized air force one's he was wearing.

We made eye contact for a split second before I began walking up the stairs, he kept on talking with his friends unbothered. Not even a brief smile or a wave from his part. Not that I was expecting one anyways, his invite was more of a courtesy one and nothing but. Why would a guy like him even bother with even trying to speak to me? He was surrounded by jaw dropping blond girls who were a 20 if you ask me, Everest Green just sat on a five. That is if we are trying to not be harsh.

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