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I had a bad feeling about today

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I had a bad feeling about today. I've been having a bad feeling ever since Friday night after the meet at OHSU when I asked Everest what it was that she needed to tell me. By the look on her face, I wasn't supposed to overhear the conversation she was having with Peyton. Everest is good at almost everything but the thing she's definitely not good at is lying. I know her a little too well by now to know, that there was something behind that little white lie and I needed to know what it was.

At the moment I didn't want to press for details, Ev very guarded and it takes time for her to open about everything, even the little things. It didn't take much time for me to confirm my suspicions, the whole bus ride back to campus Ev's mood had completely changed. She was very distracted and the beautiful smile she always had plastered across her face was missing.

I was busy training all weekend, the qualifiers are only weeks away had plans to go out with Peyton and Dant but she ignored all of my texts and calls. When Peyton came over last night I asked her about it but she wasn't much help either.

I was getting ready for Emerson's class when my phone buzzed, I picked it up from my nightstand, it was a message from Ev. We need to talk. Let's meet after Emerson's class near Webster Hall. It read. Instead of replying to her text, I called her but before the phone rang for the third time she had hung up on me. I won't deny that this is frustrating as fuck. I just wish Ev would just come and talk to me. Ghosting me isn't going to resolve anything if there is something that actually needs solving.

Shrugging some of the frustration I grabbed all my things and I headed downstairs. O'Connor and Dant were playing FIFA in the living room. "Are you headed off to class already?" Dant asks and I nod.

"Yeah," I reply. "I want to see if I can catch Ev before class."

"Is she still ignoring your texts and calls?" O'Connor asks and I nod. "Do you think Inez has something to do with it?"

I instantly shake my head. Inez is not that type of girl. We ended on good terms. "You sound positive that she wouldn't do anything, you did leave her for Everest after all. I would be bitter if I were her."

"Dant has a point Connery, bitterness, and jealousy can make anyone do anything," O'Connor adds.

"I'm pretty sure Inez had nothing to do with it," I repeat myself. "The glimpse I caught off of that conversation had nothing to do with her and everything to do with Ev."

"She'll come around then if you're right," O'Connor says. "Just give her time."

I shrugged. "I'll see you guys later in class then."

I walked out of the house and as I was making my way to my car, my phone began to ring. Tommy was calling. What is it that he wants now? Whenever he calls it usually is nothing good. "What do you want?"

"What's up with the attitude?" Tommy asks. "Did you wake up from the wrong side of the bed this morning?"

"I'm not in a good mood Tommy, don't try me," I warn. "You never call and when you do, all you do is ask for favors. I'm busy."

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