14| baby let the games begin

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Connery had left to go look for Maddox, apparently, he's the one that runs these races

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Connery had left to go look for Maddox, apparently, he's the one that runs these races. I haven't even met the guy, but he didn't sound like good news to me. One of my many qualities is that I am a very observant person (it comes in handy most times) and from what I've seen and paid attention to car racing isn't the only thing that goes down around here.

I know it's none of my business, Connery and I have been friends for a short period of time, but I had to meddle in his business just this once. There were a lot of unanswered questions that I needed an answer to. Why would he get involved with something as shady as this? Besides the fact that he can actually go to prison and damage his record if he gets caught, he could lose everything starting and ending with his swimming career. There is a meaning behind these races and I was determined to finding out what it was.

Connery left the boys in charge of me, but he should've thought of something else if he wanted someone to keep an eye on me because the boys are the worst babysitters I've come across within this lifetime. Dant left with a half-naked blonde girl to God knows where O'Connor was too involved in a conversation with two other guys and Becker was failing miserably at sweet-talking another blonde half-naked girl. So instead of staying where I was told to, I decided to wander off and look around. Connery was taking his time, so I figured I'd be back before he was.

The place reeked of alcohol, cigars, and weed. There were tons of girls throwing themselves at the racers while they showed off their cars. Out of everything I was looking at while I wandered through the place, a certain person caught my eye. Tommy Scott. He was arguing with a red-headed girl and the conversation was pretty heated. Tommy yanked her arm and brutally pulled her away from the small crowd that was with them. Instead of staying put and minding my own business, I meddled and followed them, but not without filming what I was witnessing first.

After a few minutes of walking, they both stopped in their tracks and their argument got even more heated. Before I knew it, the palm of Tommy's hand hit the girl's face. I gasped. Son of a bitch. I paused the recording and I walked over to where both of them were standing. I didn't know if I was going to end up regretting it, but I couldn't just walk away.

"Hey!" I shouted at Tommy captivating his attention. "What do you think you're doing? Leave her alone."

Tommy laughed. "It's funny that you think that you can tell me what to do. She's my girlfriend and I can do whatever the hell I want with her. Especially if she thinks she can just disrespect me and not suffer the consequences. I suggest you mind your own fucking business before I make you regret it." He warned coldly but I was not going to back off. Not after what he did to Macy and Emily.

"I would like to see you try." I challenged getting closer to his face. He wasn't going to lay a finger on me, at least not here. "You're a piece of shit, did your mother forget to teach you how to respect women?"

"Stop being a bitch about it, she's fine. Now, get out of my face before I do the same to you." Tommy warned.

I didn't even think twice about it and I probably should've because the minute my fist hit Tommy Scott's disgusting face I was in excruciating pain. "Fuck, that hurt," I whined.

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