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I was running late to my am class, again

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I was running late to my am class, again.

PHIL211, also known as Feminist Thought and It's Critics, consisted on enduring an hour and a half of Prof. Emerson's Ted talks on feminism, every other Tuesday and Thursday. Don't get me wrong, even though it's a curriculum requirement course for any undergraduate Pre-Law student, it was an easy elective course (for Pre-Law students of course). Most of the class roster consisted of female undergraduate students who were actually interested in learning about the history of feminism. I can't say the same for the male Pre-Law undergraduates though, if they were sitting in the old auditorium in Fisher Hall it was because they had no other choice.

My grandma always used to tell me growing up, camino malo se anda rapidito. Which translates to: if you're dreading to do something, the faster you do it, the better. So I guess that must be why most of the male Pre-Law undergraduate students are in their second year of their concentration.

And of course, we mustn't forget about the pride and joy of Bowling Green University, the athletes. Bowling thrives on collegiate sports, we suck at football, but we certainly don't when it comes to swimming. The Bowling swimming team brings a handful of funds to the school each year so of course, besides building and improving athletic centers each year they have to reward all of their student-athletes somehow.

Meaning that unlike any other regular student enrolled here at Bowling, they got to enroll their class on the first day of enrollment week. Most of them, if not all, like to pick classes in which they can put minimum effort into and still pass without breaking a sweat. Which is also the reason as to why, Prof. Emerson's section 096 (my section), is full of male athletes who have no interest in learning anything related to feminism or it's history either.

In Prof. Emerson's class you have to put in a lot of effort and go the extra mile if you want to have the chance to pass a class with a decent grade. But as I said before, Bowling thrives on collegiate sports and Prof. Emerson has a soft spot for athletes. Especially the ones who bring all the glory to the school. The Olympic kind of glory.

Last night, Peyton and I finished moving into the third apartment we have leased off-campus in the three years we've been here at Bowling. For the past month, we've been saving up to buy a nice couch that doesn't sound like it's going to break every time we sit on it yet we spent a good amount of money on Chinese takeout and three bottles of Tito's last night.

Peyton is the one to blame for the pounding headache I've been trying to endure ever since I woke up this morning and the money I wasted on the three bottles of Tito's last night. Unfortunately to my demise, the fact that I was wearing a blue sweater, pajama pants (unicorn pajama pants to be exact), and a pair of flip flops was my own doing. How embarrassing, I know.

I looked like an idiot as I walked through campus in unicorn pajama pants and it was all because my alarm didn't go off this morning (I may or may not have hit the snooze button for about ten times before I finally found the strength to roll out of my very comfortable bed) and I only had twenty minutes to get to Prof. Emerson's class. The smartest move would have been to skip today's lecture but if there's something Prof. Emerson hates more than tardiness is skipping. And to be honest I wasn't going to let it affect ten percent of my final grade.

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