12| emily cohen

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I've been spending a lot of time with Connery these past few weeks, way too much time if you ask Peyton

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I've been spending a lot of time with Connery these past few weeks, way too much time if you ask Peyton. I've been going over to the frat house more times than I would like to admit to help Connery with Darnley's class (and also to have many video game sessions with the boys) while Connery on the other hand has been helping me train for the start of the season which is only a week away.

It's crazy how fast time has gone by, Connery is confident that I am ready for the start of the season, I on the other hand heavily disagree. I've come along way since I started training with Connery but I'm still having problems with perfecting my technique. I know that's as good as it's going to get though, I'm no Olympic protégée.

As for Macy's case, I've been helping Jared build the case alongside detective Porter but it's not looking too promising. The results of the rape kit came back, but no DNA was found. On a positive note, the rape kit showed vaginal trauma and we also had evidence of the bruises on Macy's neck and thighs, but then again without DNA, it was just another case of he said she said.

"Olivia, we don't have any hard evidence. You can't just arrest Tommy Scott, you have nothing to hold him with." Jared argues. "We don't even have probable cause, without those two it's clearly her word against his and that won't hold up in court."

"There must be something we can do, we have four other unidentified rapists on the loose." Detective Porter says in frustration. "If we don't do something about it now, you'll have another victim in your office in less than a week."

"I need a pattern at least Olivia if I can prove that he's done it before I can summon a grand jury. My instinct tells me that this is not his first time and by the way, Chancellor Scott handled Macy's report the school must be hiding something."

"I already conducted interviews with Macy's closest friends and all of the girls that were identified at the bar that night. No one talked." Olivia sighs. "We have nothing other than the evidence from the rape kit and the camera footage that shows that they left the bar together."

"But it also shows the number of drinks Macy had that night, that doesn't make her a credible witness Olivia. That will be the defense's first argument. I can't take a weak case to court and even if I could I won't."

"If I may," I interrupt. "From my experience, at least from what I've heard rape victims usually don't speak out not only because of fear but because they think they are all alone."

"So what do you suggest we do?" Jared asks.

"If we can get Macy to share her story, other victims might come forward. My best friend Peyton works at BGU's media center, she can write a report about Macy's case." I suggest and I hoped Jared didn't just throw my idea out the door. "I know it's a long shot, but seeing that we are running out of ideas, I thought that might help."

"I guess that could work," Olivia shrugs. "At this point, I'm willing to do anything."

"And I was also thinking about the fact that Macy was raped and there was no DNA. On the rape kit I get, but not even on her clothes?" I ask making Olivia and Jared think. "Macy mentioned that she went to the hospital only a few hours after it happened. Is it possible that she went back to her dorm with the thought of taking a shower and acting like it didn't happen? Maybe she changed her mind while she was on her way to take a shower."

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