Chapter 20

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AN: This is more of a filler/crack chapter, but I guess there are a few important bits. Your choice to skip.

POV - Digit

We all arrived back at the base and we decided to at least wash up a bit before meeting the Pip and the Boss for our reports. Everyone already knew that the Boss would be furious if we stained blood and grime into his luxurious carpets.

Everyone had their own rooms, but I was still with Pip. I'm actually surprised we haven't had an awkward "shower" moment.

Boy was I in for a surprise.

Pip wasn't in the main room, so I assumed he was either with Boss or he was working on something in the lab.

When I shower, I have to be extremely careful with my arm and head area. I didn't want water going through the cracks and literally frying my brain. Or at least, what I had left of one.

Turns out, an easy fix was to just wear my mask in the shower. It was weird, but it protected my face circuits. Along with wearing the mask, I had to remove my robotic arm, leaving a metallic cuff-like appendage replacing part of my shoulder and armpit area. I don't have to worry about it shocking me since the electro-magnetism is automatically shut off when the arm is removed, but I still have to make sure it's completely dry before placing the arm back on after a shower.

I should probably make a water-proof version. Not water-resistant, water-PROOF. People get those two terms wrong all the time. Just thought I'd throw it in the story. Whoops, I'm not supposed to say that....

ANYWAYS, after my shower, still thinking Pip was away, I dried myself off and put on my undergarments, but then I realized I left my bra outside the bathroom.

All I did was drape the towel on my back and I went to quickly grab my bra, but upon exiting the bathroom...


Immediately I paused and looked at the source, as soon as I saw Pip staring, I covered up and walked back into the bathroom. My back was against the door and I slowly slid down and I sat there for a few minutes.

Then I heard a knock.

"Hey uh, Digit? I'm just gonna leave this behind the door, I'll let you know when I'm out of the room."

A few seconds later I heard Pip yell "Alright, you're good!"

I slowly opened the door and peeked out. I grabbed my bra that he set by the door and put it on quickly.

I put on the rest of my clothes, dried off the remaining water on the metal cuff, and placed my arm back.


I met back up with the team who was waiting outside of Boss' office.

Scrappy looked over to me and smiled "Yo Digi, what took ya so long, huh? Cleaning after having too much fun with Pi-"

"NO!" The whole team looked at me in shock.

"No, ahem. Just... my cyborg parts are kind of difficult to deal with whenever I have to shower..."

That was technically the truth. They didn't need to know what happened.

We all entered Boss' office and he sat lazily in his chair with Pip by his side.

Pip looked at me, then looked away to "cough".

"You four did a marvelous job!" Boss announced. He leaned forward on his desk and gestured for me to come closer.

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