Chapter 2

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P O V - Avery

I woke up at 10 AM today. Not exactly what I wanted, since I needed more time to work on things, but oh well, at least I got sleep.

I did my basic morning routine and took a shower. The warm water felt amazing almost hypnotizing me into staying in longer. The thought of getting wrinkly from so much water crossed my mind, so I stepped out reluctantly.

I decided to wear a grey sweater over just a normal tee. It wasn't like I was going anywhere today. I settled on some old black baggy pants.

After putting everything on, I went into my garage. My sweet little lab.

I had to put on my black boots since it would suck to accidentally drip chemicals on my feet.

At least the boots were some type of barrier before whatever soaks in.

Entering the garage, I checked all the systems and equipment again. Even though I checked them last night, double-checking is vital. I don't want anything exploding... yet.

Everything looked fine besides a little loose wire I missed. Nothing drastic.

I turned all the pcs on and waited for it to boot up. As soon as it did, I entered my password... [MonsterHour5]


The project I was working on automatically popped up. Perfect! I can start immediately.

Today I had to work on a new energy source. Batteries and gas are great for normal electronics, but they are not suitable for humans.

Why a new energy source for humans? Well, this isn't a normal project you could say. Everyone has heard of prosthetic legs and arms and how they are supposedly amazing. Have you SEEN those things? They are so blocky and rigid! What if someone damaged a part of their body that isn't a limb? Say, their brain or eyes? Who's going to fix that? External wear already exists to correct color blindness and surgeries can happen, but nobody can give you a new eye to your own liking.

I'm developing something revolutionary.

Too cliche? Too bad.

I want to make parts that reflect human movement fluidly. Not any of that robotic, stiff bullcrap. These parts will be mechanical,  but the energy source it uses should make produce a bi-product that feeds nutrients into its user. Not harm them.

This could be extremely beneficial. Maybe I can make another design that makes them look more cybernetic... some people are into that. I know I am. Look at Robocop, or maybe even Briareos, or Genji. Those lads are sexy. Of course, there will be a more natural version though, not everyone has this... fetish.

I want those people to feel like there was no difference in the first place. I don't want them to feel left out. Nobody deserves that. Society tends to poke and prod at people who are different... it's a terrible situation that's almost unavoidable...

- - -

I finished setting up all the equipment.
Today is going to be filled with focus.

I propped open the windows on the sides of the garage to let out possible fumes.

I would've opened the overhead, but I noticed it was starting to rain. I don't want that to contaminate and skew my work...

I went back inside the house to grab the case filled with what I was working on yesterday. Inside was an arm.

Not a human arm...

Well, it could be. This one mechanical. It was all grey and certain wires and tubes were colored to help indicate their uses.

I propped it up with a clamp and connected it to some wiring. I couldn't attach it to anyone yet, so I had to test it in different ways. The wiring was connected to a glove that senses my movements. This will allow the arm to register movement, and in turn, move on its own. The tubing of the arm was then connected to a canister. That's where the fuel was going to go...

The arm was capable of using electricity, but as soon as this fuel is made, that is all that will be needed. I also intend for the fuel to be distributed in the future for other scientists to work on. Hopefully.

I checked all the systems once again and grabbed the beakers and chemicals I needed.

Let's get to work.

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