They will be okay..

Start from the beginning

"Ohkayy" Vaidehi said as she allowed Sharon to guide her to the nearest chair of the dinning table.

             "They are gone.."Sharon started only to be interrupted by Granny "Where? Gone where?"

"Well, I would be telling you that if only you would be a little patient."Sharon snapped again. She has been on edge since the morning, Rey had taken the hint but failed to pass over the memo.

                "Mind your tone, little girl; don't mess with me!" Granny threatened as she regarded Sharon with the eye of scrutiny. Granny had never had anyone speak to her in the tone that Sharon had just used on her, and to say that Granny was displeased was an understatement.

"Granny, please calm down. Sharon was about to tell you what has happened...."Rey tried to calm the old woman who was about to spit fire at his best friend. But his words ended up having an opposite effect on the woman. Her breath quickened as she again saw the scared face of her dead son... 'Mother, please stop them! they are going there...'

                Her breath quickened with each passing second as she remembered all that her son was able to tell her through her dream, she remembered his fear, his worry, anger,  and panic. The entire night she couldn't sleep as the moment she closed her eyes, his red eyes appeared in front of hers. Breathe.. Granny, Breathe...  Maa, he will kill them... you need the prophecy I have kept it safe "Granny, please breathe... with me Breathe in..." Taani's voice was heard over Veer's fading tone... She closed her own eyes to focus on her granddaughters sweet voice.

               "That's good, now Breathe out.. very good... just keep on doing that okay? Keep breathing..Control yourself."Granny's eyes opened to the honey brown orbs of Rey's as he tried to calm her, just like Taani.

Rey pulled himself up to stand to every woman in the room to eye him surprisingly. Only Taani was able to calm Granny without magic and to see Rey do it with such an ease was surprising. Rey could only Thank Taani for her pointers.. "If nothing works, and she has panic attack remind her to breath."

                       "They have gone to fight the hunters!" Sharon broke the news to the family leaving aside the option of subtlety aside.

By making sure, Vaidehi and Granny were okay and normal the best friends turned to Naina who had silently turned to making the breakfast, something completely forgotten by Vaidehi. She looked calm and okay with the situation. "She will be okay!"

                         "Are you okay?"Rey asked as he walked into the kitchen with Sharon. The duo started helping the girl wearing the yellow sundress.

"Yes, it is what it is. They have to either fight or die. I am okay, Arjun would want me to be okay, and I am okay. I know he is strong enough to come back to me. And he will.." She spoke with confidence.. Maybe.. just maybe Arjun was right... she will be okay...They will be okay..


"Swayam, can you see anything?"  Taani questioned as she took cover behind a broken wall of an old building. They took some time to recover from the sight that was laid out in front of them; buildings destroyed, walls broken, windows shattered. No soul was visible to their eye, once the happy go lucky town of Brewen was now a death place. 

                 "Besides the ruins of Brewen? NO!" Swayam was appalled to say the least. His siblings were at least prepared for this situation. Swayam on the other hand was not at all equipped for it. He was on a run since granny grew old and was no more in control of her magic, that's when the hunters grew to power. With the fall of a great leader...

"There must be away to get into the manor." the sister mumbled as she saw in the direction where the manor was situated. Shekhawat Manor,now captured by The Hunters. 

                    "There is.. "Arjun spoke as he moved quietly to the opposite direction of the manor. "We might need the help of the elders."

The younger siblings followed him quietly. It was scary as no one wandered the streets of Brewen at this time; meaning either  Marcus didn't care or he cared too much to let it out.. He had found a different way as to guard the borders of Brewen then to have his hunters walk around looking to suppress a revolt.

                  "The Shield is hiding in the woods out of the boundaries of Brewen. We need to get there.." Arjun stated as he guided them towards the woods.


"Are you sure you wanna do this Arjun?" Manisha questioned as she stepped forward expressing her worry. Manisha was a junior to Swayam and Taani in the wizardry school. She had always looked up to siblings as they fought for and valued the family the most. 

                  "I don't see any other way of doing it." Arjun answered not only her question but also many others, who couldn't actually bring themselves to question her.

"Arjun, I don't mind assisting you. But its gonna be a difficult road to walk on. I hope you are well prepared to any loss to come your way."The elderly voice of Mr. Kumar rung through the room full of Shields.  As he slowly walked towards the elder brother with an old parchment in hand.

                    "Its not the full  but its all that my daughter gathered while working on your prophecy." He explained as he handed down the notes for him to read.

Quietly reading the notes over and over again. He tried to understand, comprehend what the out come will be. And as much as he read he grew more and more anxious about the situation. His head pounded with an unbearable ache as much as he thought about it, all he wanted to do was hold the hands of his siblings and hold them close to him and disappear.

                   "They want us dead!" he pointed out looking at  his siblings the old parchment dry in his palms.

              Hour it was an hour long silence as they debated and counter debated the situation in hand. Shield was not just a name they were doing what the name suggested they had to protect the elderly, and the kids. 

"Send them to the mortal world. I'll open the transportal here. Send them there"Taani commanded finally as she got up a wand in hand. "Do it quick! We have an attack to carry out."

                  Swayam shook his head negatively,"No! we can't just attack them we are too weak for that" he pointed out to the room full of THE SHIELDS.


 He was feeling incomplete since she walked out with her brothers. An unrest had settled in him. The same feeling had made a home inside that had made him aware that something was wrong with Taani, when he, Swayam and Sharon had found her bleeding to death ..

                He closed his eyes when he saw her bleeding this time more profusely than before, her torso soaked with blood, mouth spitting blood as she coughed trying hard to breathe. Her trembling hand called him close. And his body  followed  her command , demand without giving it a second thought. His cheeks soaked with tears as he gathered her in his arms, mind thinking of ways to save her.

                       "You can't save me, whatever you do ! My fate was written even before I was born..." she sighed in his arms as he cried watching her pant heavily in his arms, Blood oozing out her stomach, some cuts still fresh..

He opened his eyes to the worried eyes of Naina and Sharon, he panted heavily and completely soaked in sweat. "Taa...Taani..Sharon..Taani..Naina...we have Taani.."He broke down as he cried in the arms of his best friend.

                          "Its okay, Rey it was just a dream." Naina tried to calm him down offering water.

"But it felt real!"


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