🤍 Prologue 🤍

Start from the beginning

"Nice to meet you Kimitsuki-Chan!" the green flower introduced himself, turning slightly red. "My name is Midoriya Izuku! You can sit with me!" He motioned to the seat next to him.

"You mean us both!" the yellow flower yelled, causing both Kimitsuki and Izuku to flinch slightly – albeit for different reasons. "You! My name is Bakugo Katsuki! You better remember it!"

"Ka-Chan, you're scaring her," Izuku said uncertainly, looking away when Katsuki glared at him in annoyance. "K-Kimitsuki-Chan, I-I think you're very c-cute,"

"You mean us both!" Katsuki said loudly again, shooting another look full of annoyance in Izuku's direction. Izuku averted his eyes further away.

Kimitsuki, who had barely sat down in the chair between the two, looked at the two flowers in uncertainty as the illusion dissolved away to reveal their real faces. She was shy that they called her pretty, she had always liked that. But she wasn't sure what to do.

"Thank you," Kimitsuki mumbled, passing Izuku a smile. Before she could give one to Katsuki, another boy on their table burst out with the question he had been holding back –

"You look familiar, you know!"

This pushed Kimitsuki down back into her shell as she avoided looking at any of them. She didn't want to tell them her full name. She knew they would recognise her and she didn't... she didn't...

Each and every single one of the children around her were interested in seeing who their new pretty and soft-spoken classmate was, and it didn't take them until the end of the day to figure out who Kimitsuki really was. There was an immediate change in their demeanour, and she earned her first nickname –

"Family-Killer Kimitsuki!"


Summer Holidays:

"Isn't he amazing, Tsuki-Chan?" Izuku said in awe as he looked at Kimitsuki, whose lilac eyes were trained on the T.V that was playing a video of All Might. "You really like him, too, don't you, Tsuki-Chan?" He and Kimitsuki were pressed against the window of the local electronics shop.

"He's amazing..." Kimitsuki breathed, staring at the way All Might posed. She turned to look at Izuku. "I don't have a computer... I wish I could see him all day long..."

"Oka-San says your eyes get bad from seeing the computer all day," Izuku told her knowledgeably. "You can't hurt your eyes, Tsuki-Chan! You won't be able to use your Quirk properly with glasses!"

At these words, Kimitsuki fell silent and looked back at All Might as he helped people out of the rubble. She wasn't sure if she wanted her to Quirk to remain. Her Quirk wasn't the kind that a Hero would have. It was scary and dangerous... and just not what Kimitsuki imagined a Hero having.

Besides, a person who killed her family cannot be a hero.

It was in the early days of kindergarten when the two of them had been ostracised – Izuku for being the only Quirkless child in their class, and Kimitsuki to be the only kid who had such a villainous Quirk, proven with the death of her family.

"Izu-Chan," Kimitsuki mumbled, turning her head to look back at Izuku, who was looking at her rather happily. She wavered slightly. "Do you think that we will ever –"

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