Now to think about it, Konoha is as chaotic as Bokuto but he knows when and where he should act like a total dork, unlike a certain someone. The lunch break is surprisingly very calm, no loud noises from his friend or him helping his friend with his detention. It's been like this ever since Bokuto's last epic prank by breaking the fire alarm, and Akaashi doesn't look forward to lunch anymore since the absence of his friend.

The golden eyed lad has always something to share and it always make Akaashi's days with his bizarre stories. It's unlike him to lie anyway, so the younger lad tends to believe most of his stories. They do sound real but hard to believe at the same time. But lately, Akaashi spent his lunch with Bokuto's friends instead and it's boring. No offense, but they aren't as talkative as his friend.

Akaashi likes to listen to Bokuto's stories, and Bokut likes to tell - they're like the missing puzzle to complete each other. That's why the older lad likes to share stories with him. He even remembered that one time Bokuto had a nightmare then called Akaashi just to tell him that. And the next thing they knew, they didn't have enough sleep because they called until the sun rose.

It's like the world spins faster whenever Bokuto is around him, and his heart lately always skips a beat whenever his friend says something that caught him off guard. This could be just Akaashi's imagination, but it seems like Bokuto is getting more clingy since the day he wrote the words on his shirt.

Speaking of his shirt, Bokuto hung the shirt with Akaashi's words in a view on the wall. When the younger lad asked about it, the golden eyed lad easily said that it makes him happy when he woke up to that. That made Akaashi's heart flutter, he can't help but smile.

"Akaashi Keiji," After lunch, Akaashi entered his class and zoned out until his teacher called his name.

"Yes?" The curly messy raven haired lad replied as he glanced at his teacher.

"It's your turn to present your final project," the teacher told him and Akaashi nodded, sighing a little. So much for not wanting to stand out. If he were Bokuto, he'd be so happy to stand in front of the classroom.

Akaashi grabbed his project and stood right in front of the classroom. He glanced at the room and saw that the students weren't paying attention. Their eyes are looking at somewhere else which made Akaashi raise an eyebrow at them. What are they looking at? The dark blue eyed lad followed their states to the clock's ticking on the center wall on a top of him.

Right, Summer is around the corner. Everyone must be waiting for the final bell before running out from this bird-cage. Well, they still have like 10 minutes before the bell rings, and tensions are surprisingly very depressing because of how excited they are for Summer.

"My name's Akaashi Keiji, this is the project that I created," he started to explain until the bell was going to ring in 30 seconds. 30 seconds, Akaashi can handle that.

But suddenly the door of their homeroom is being opened rather harshly which causes the whole people in the room to flinch, including Akaashi. When he turned his head to the door, he's surprised to see Komi with a toy gun. "Komi-san?"

"Akaashi! Ducked!" His senior shouted which he automatically did for no reason.

"What's going on-!" The teacher was about to ask but soon their face was sprayed with blue wall paint from Komi's toy gun. The students laughed, Komi was laughing and yelling something which made the whole corridor go wild. Akaashi's eyes widened at the sudden crowds of students exiting through the corridor. The teacher screams again but is interrupted with a wall paint from Komi as he helps the poor young lad to flee as well.

"Come on! This way!" Komi said as he pulled the younger lad to the auditorium where most of the students are.

The view of students filling up in the room with the 3rd years guiding them. Akaashi looked around for a sign of his friend but he's nowhere to be seen, then he asked Komi, "Where's Bokuto-san? What's going on?"

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