Prologue: The Story Left Unknown

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I was wondering why these people grabbed me from school and brought me here in a place where my memories are mostly composed of worst and crazy stuffs of my childhood. But, you see, it held more than that of my own sad story. It has something more than what the world had known and somehow forgotten since its not common to look back at the dark past that the humanity has suffered in their past lifetime. That been said, it's still here. Right at this place. It held a past we should use to understand the present but failed to somehow utilize.

The car took a right turn and make a full stop in front of the entrance of a huge building on the center of Aurum, the city of the new origin. This seemed to be the least of the places I want to find myself, but here I am, stepping inside its hallway like a welcomed guest.

We went straight to an elevator on the right side of the building and the two guys who got in with me stood in front like they don't want me to escape from that place.

"I can't get anywhere, you know..." I muttered but they didn't even batted an eye. Not that I can see their eyes directly because it was covered with a dark tinted eye glasses. Yeah, yeah, I'm contradicting myself, just think of it as a figure of speech. (smirks) I held the straps of my backpack tighter and managed a deep sigh.

The doors opened and the two men stepped out, leading me to follow them. We reached the 5th lower ground of the building where all I see is darkness until my eyes got used to being underground. I shivered by the blow of a cold air.

"Why are the lights here are so damn dim?" I asked my head out and apparently, they replied me with a stern look. Not again that I can see their eyes but I just kinda felt the glare. "Okay okay, I won't ask anything. Tsk" I tried to look around but I didn't get anything interesting to see.

We walked away from the lift and reached a never ending lobby filled with rooms separated by glass walls on both our sides. The rooms were filled with huge monitors which run a massive number of codes and crypts in different colored fonts. Few people of around 3 or 4 are inside those rooms, facilitating whatever is happening inside those walls. They all wear worn out faces and how should I put it? Huh! (deep sigh), anyway, they all looked like fishes out from water for almost a month. Yeah, yeah, their eyes seemed so tired. I can see eyes immediately, if that was bothering you. It was the first thing you see in a human face, right? Or, was it just me?

We kept on walking until we finally reached a well-lit area, an intersection. It was the only eye catching thing in this floor, as for me. Why? It's not the intersection that amazes me here though. The intersection is not that surprising. It will just lead you to a choice whether to go left or to go right. What caught my eye here is what is written in the wall of this intersection. It depicts the history this age has forgotten and was overlooked since the new era was formed.

Here lies the story where we began the technological advancements since time immemorial up to the Times where robots, holograms and AI's have become pretty much common in everyday life. Devices such as cellphones are customized to whichever item you want it to be. In this age, you can even learn or study while you sleep. Yes, yes, while you sleep. You see, students go to school and most of them just sleep during classes so the teachers innovated something for them to utilize this laziness. They are using the Taurus, a headset by ORION, in teaching while students sleep in their classes. It's part of the curriculum and the subject, so why not?

The Taurus acts as a converter device. It converts audio message and even text messages into impulse and imprints it directly to the brain's sublevel neurons and you will remember what you've heard because it's already in your head. What a nice cheat, right? But you see, the brain also has its limitations and so the law of long term memory still resides within. If you don't use those imprints, your brain will automatically delete those info and yeah, you will still be able to forget them.

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