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symbolizes innocence and purity. in norse mythology, the daisy is freya's sacred flower.

     for an intimidating and smart businessman, zeke was a man unlike any other. 

     he was hilarious and knew the good stories to tell, a family man who simply wishes the best to his step-brother, and an empath who chose not to ask but to support his loved ones without a word no matter what.

     zeke jaeger was almost like a role-model you should look up to.

     with that aside, zeke gave you company every week or so while eren grieved in his room.

     each day that he visited, picking up the calla lilies to fill in the brunett's absence and visit his step-mother from time to time, he kept you updated about eren. although you felt bad as it made you feel like you were intruding his privacy, you were still worried.

     although not close, you still consider eren as a friend. a simple human who grieves at the loss of his mother, looking for someone to drag him out of his sadness.

     zeke had told you time and time again that eren wouldn't get out of his bed. eating, taking a bath or any basic hygiene became a hard task for him. zeke and his friends have been trying their best to support eren, even though others who don't know him would deem it useless, they never gave up on him and you were thankful that he was surrounded by the people he loves.

     being surrounded with your dark bubble of thoughts, thinking you're alone, is never a good thing to experience.

     you always praise zeke for his efforts, telling him not to give up. the first time you told him that, all his reply was "i don't have any plans of abandoning him."

     that simple reply made your heart swell.

     the chimes rang, followed by a set of footsteps that you got to memorize over a set of weeks. looking up from the checklist you held, the same striking blue eyes caught your sight.

     you flashed zeke a smile and put down your checklist, "hey zeke! how are you?"

     surprisingly, zeke was wearing something casual for once. he made his way to the counter, where you were currently standing, and gave you a nod as a sign of greeting. "i'm doing alright!" he replied, "and eren is too. earlier, he stepped out of his room to eat breakfast. but he went back inside after, but i'm just glad that he finally ate a decent meal."

     you nodded, happiness rising up inside you like a harsh wave. "that's great! progress is progress. i'm glad he's doing okay, at least." you exclaimed, clasping your hands together.

     the blond chuckled and leaned against the counter, "yeah, me too. of course, it doesn't mean he's doing okay now but i'm just glad to see him." a smile passed by his lips and he looked down, "we're still looking after him."

     "it's good that you're patient." you hummed, tapping your pen against the counter. "i'm sure eren feels glad to have someone like you."

BLOOM. ejOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora