Start from the beginning

My attention snaps to him. I can't help but rise to the challenge in his eyes. "And a shame Bella couldn't be here either. I'm sure she would have loved a mountain hike," I say with a fake smile.

"I'm sure she would have," he answers with amusement.

I mentally kick myself for falling into his trap. I promised no more games yet here I was, losing the first match. I narrow my eyes at him and his smile widens in response. Momentarily distracted by his parted full lips which reveal his straight white teeth, I swallow hard and force my gaze back to his eyes. Instead of the smugness that I expect in his expression, all I see is burning heat. Heat that has me breathless for a second time today.

With his face inches away, I brace myself for his next move. He inches closer but pauses, a silent dare for me to back away. I should back away. I need to back away yet my traitorous body refuses. I raise my eyebrow in challenge, if he wants to end this then he can go right ahead.

Ethan has never been one to shy away from a challenge. I hold my breath in anticipation as he begins to close the short distance between us. The sudden stop of the cart has us both bouncing forward, cementing us back to reality.

"We have arrived," Kai says cheerily as he exits the cart. Ethan and I share a look of confusion as he retrieves both suitcases. Following Kai's lead, we walk up an inclined path that ends at the entrance of two villas. Kai places my suitcase by the door to the left and Ethan's by the door to the right. "Enjoy your stay and please reach out if either of you needs anything."

Oh no. Oh god no.

"Kai, wait," he turns back in my direction. "You're sure that these are the correct villas?" I point to the doors that stand side-by-side and try my best to keep my expression neutral.

"Yes, of course. Numbers thirty and thirty-one. Is there a problem with these villas?" Kai asks with genuine concern.

"Is there a problem, Charlotte?" Ethan repeats with feigned innocence.

I make a mental note to reserve the inevitable breakdown for later and attempt a smile, "there's no problem at all. Thank you for everything Kai."

"Yes, thanks Kai," Ethan adds with too much fervor.

I wait for Kai to tell me this is a big joke and that Ethan is really staying on the other side of the island but instead, he waves goodbye and retreats to the cart. The low rumble of the engine begins and then fades, leaving us with the sound of the musical chirping of birds. Looking at Ethan, I find his expression completely unreadable. Ethan and I are alone for the first time in five years. Completely alone. This realization has me jumping into action. With the key still in my grasp, I open the door and reach for my luggage.

"Do you need help?" Ethan asks from behind me.

"Nope," I return as I push my luggage through the entrance.

Turning in his direction, his serious expression has me halting. He opens his mouth to speak and I panic. I don't think my fragile heart can take whatever it is he has to say.


I slam the door in his face before he finds his next words. Leaning against the large wooden door, I take a deep breath and bury the emotion that threatens to overwhelm me. With watery eyes, I try and concentrate on my surroundings. The homely space is filled with accents of brass, the white furniture a nice contrast against the light blue walls. Bi-folding doors to my left open up to a large bed. I can't help it, my gaze settles on the wall to my right. The slam of the door tells me my neighbor has finally entered his villa.

Needing some fresh air, I make my way towards the doors that I assume lead out onto the balcony. I'm met with a view of the ocean, the now setting sun lights the sky in hues of orange and pink. This striking sight is still not enough to distract me from the fact that I'm staying next door to my ex. The same ex who happens to also be enjoying the view at this very moment. The partition wall meant for privacy is far too small to conceal my 6'2 neighbour. I can see him clearly. All of him.

You see, it appears that in the time it took Ethan to enter his villa and make his way onto his balcony, he lost his shirt. Taking no notice of his defined chest and sculpted stomach, I stealthily tiptoe back towards my room and out of sight. I don't notice the small wooden table until I collide with it. Yelping at the impact, I clutch it tightly to stop myself from hitting the ground. Regaining my balance, I take in a ragged breath.

"Are you okay, neighbor?"

The deep voice startles me. Turning in Ethan's direction, I'm met with a closed-lipped smile that has me breathing even harder. I'm not sure if my cheeks heat due to my embarrassment or the sight of those abs.

"I've never been better," I say with confidence I don't feel.

On shaky limbs, I retreat to the safety inside. The next stop on my villa tour is the minibar. This girl needs a drink.

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