Chapter 4: A Pound For A Life

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Look out for the <>!

I woke up the next morning to my phone buzzing. I shot up and looked around, suddenly remembering where I was. I was in 221B baker street and I did have a phone. I could hear my phone was still buzzing. "Where did I put you?" I said out loud as I got out of bed. I saw it was on the desk and grabbed it to see why it was making such a nose. I looked at it and saw three texts by none other than Sherlock Holmes.

"You got to be kidding me," I said as I looked at the messages.

Sherlock at 8:30: we are needed at 9:30.

Sherlock at 8:55: it's time.

Sherlock at 9:00: I'm leaving.

That last message was sent a minute ago. I couldn't help but smirk at his texts. He left without me. Luck was on my side today. Maybe I could even walk around town in freedom while he was out. Maybe I wouldn't have to work with him much at all.

I got out of my bed room to walk into the bathroom, and in the process walked into the family room where Sherlock was sitting on the floor.


"I see you got my messages," Sherlock said with his deep voice as he opened his eyes to look at me.

I frowned at him. I thought he was gone. "Yeah," I said bluntly. Dang it.

"Get ready," he said and walked away.

I sighed loudly enough for him to hear it and walked into the bathroom to change. I put on a pair of blue jeans with a white V neck, brushed my teeth and put my red curly hair into a pony tail. I took a deep breath before I walked out of the bathroom. Here goes nothing. I was a bit nervous about this new job. I always got this feeling before I did a white collar job. I almost forgot what this felt like, I missed it. 

Sherlock was sitting on the couch and stood up when I got out. He walked over to the door and walked out without a word but I didn't need words to tell me that he was leaving, I just needed to follow him. We walked out onto the chilly summer London day. I shivered as we got into the cab, I knew I should have gotten a sweater but it was too late now.

We rode the cab in silence, the driver dropped us off in the heart of London in front of a large 14 story modern business building were something terrible happened must have appended. Police were everywhere and yellow tape was all over the place. It was quite a sight if you didn't see this stuff often.

Sherlock seemed unfazed by any of this. I on the other hand spent so long staying away from these kinds of scenes that it was hard for me to continue forward. I felt my heart speed up and my legs got harder to move with each step I took, knowing that the enigma I built up would soon disappear as I worked with the police. I would soon be known by everyone around us, but I needed to make sure that no one really knew me. That way I could still have some kind of enigma.

For the longest time if I saw something like this I would walk the other way.  I felt that I should be doing that now but I needed to earn their trust. That is when I could make my break. I straightened up my shoulders and put my head up high as if I was ready for anything.

We walked into the large glittery lobby of the building and we were directed to the back of the building where Lestrade greeted us. "You're late," Lestrude said as he walked up to us with a frown.

Without even replying to his statement, Sherlock looked past Lestrade as if something more important caught his eye. "What do we have here?" Sherlock mused as saw the dead body. It was like Lestrade didn't exist. I held back a smirk, finding this entertaining. Sherlock was in a tunnel vision and nothing around him mattered except that body.

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