Chapter 36: To The Bottom Of It All

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Keep an eye out for the <>!

John came to the flat in no time at all. He looked over Sherlock and told me that he would be fine, but to make sure he would stay until Sherlock woke. After that, I didn't stay much longer. I wanted to get on the streets to see who came to the flat. I was going to do all I could to get to the bottom of it. 

I pulled at my white shirt collar to make sure it was straight as I walked down the road. I saw Walter on the street in the same spot he was last time. I needed to talk to him. "Walter," I said as I tried to make my voice sound as calm as I could even though I was still on edge. I walked up to him on the street next to his booth with a pleasant smile.

He looked at me and smiled. "Maire! I got the list like you wanted me to!" he said in his cheery voice as he reached into his brown shorts and pulled out a piece of paper.

I took the paper from him and looked at the small list briefly. I nodded at him. "Did you tell anyone where I lived?" I asked to make sure he didn't spill by mistake.

He chuckled at me and shook his head. "No, I'm not that's stupid. Are you kidding me?"

I let out a breath, glad that I trusted the right person. "You didn't hear this but someone broke into my flat. I think they were looking for bonds," I lied, knowing that telling the truth would make things more complicated. I didn't really want to get Walter wrapped up in this.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Walter, thanks for everything. I have to get going," I said to him, cutting the conversation short. I gave him a small smile then walked off, not having time to talk any longer. Before the sun set I needed to talk to the other man that I sold the bonds to.

I walked down a few streets until I ended back where the old man with scuffed designer shoes was. I walked up to him with a small smile, trying to be pleasant.

"What can I do for you Rori?" the man asked in just as scruffy clothing as I saw him last. 

"A list of names would be nice," I said and held out my hand. I expected him to cooperate with me just like Walter did so easily.

"Mmmm, about that. I forgot about that. Sorry," he said casually as he scratched the back of his neck.

I looked at him and frowned. That wasn't good enough. He was lying. He did have the list but he wanted something, I was sure of it. I wasn't in the mood for him to mess around. I pulled out a knife that I put in my pants pocket and pushed him against the wall with the knife against his neck. "Yeah, well it's your lucky day. Let's just cut to the chase shall we? I want those names and if you don't spill, something else will." I said fiercely to him as I pushed the knife closer to his neck.

We stood like this for a few seconds, as I watched his eyes grow. Finally he spoke up, "Ok, ok. I give! There was this man, he wanted the bonds and asked for the maker but for some reason he seemed to know you already. He paid me not to give a name."

"You know this man?" I asked, not taking the knife away from his neck.

"Just vaguely." He lied, he knew him well, I could see it in how dilated his eyes were. He was involved with this person on a emotional level at one point.

"And who was he."

"I can't say."

I let out a sigh. I did not have time for this. How hard would it be to just have him give me the name? "Look, you're going to tell me or..." I said as I pushed the knife hard enough to draw a little blood. I watched him squirm in his clothes.

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