Chapter 39: Chasing Weirdo's Down Dark Alley's

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Look out for the <>!

"Heads you go, tails I go," Sherlock said to me as he tossed a silver coin in the air and caught it. "head's." He looked at me waiting for me to do something great.

I frowned, not wanting to run today. "Fine," I mumbled as I shot off running down an empty alley. I felt like I was always the person chasing the weirdo's down dark alley's. I think Sherlock just didn't want to do it himself, so he made me run after them instead. But most of the time, I didn't mind, As long as I was dressed for it and today, I was. I took a left and saw the women about the same age as me and tackled her to the ground causing us to land in a big puddle.

She let out a grunt then proceeded to swear at me. Once she saw my face her eyes grew large as she realized who I was and started to call me names. She thought I was working for the wrong side, but I didn't let her words sink in. Every time I got someone I knew from my old life, they loved throwing insults at me. By now, I was used to it.  

I already chose my path and If they wanted to believe that I was working for the "wrong" side that was on them. But I was by no means fighting with the angles of the town that was already damned to the demons. I had my own agenda and clueless Lestrade wasn't going to stop me and neither was Sherlock.

By now there was a rumor going around about a grand Nazi treasure and I was about to get to the bottom of it. If there was such a thing, I wanted that treasure for myself. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a scum of the earth and you hate me. I've got it all before," I said coolly as I waited for Sherlock to come. I looked at my shirt that used to be white and frowned at the mud on it. Perfect.

There was a moment of silence and then she spoke up again, "why did you do it?" she whispered as she looked at me. Her body tension began to melt away as she realized that there was no way out of this. Instead of fighting, she gave in, too soon if you ask me.

I knew she was referring to my switch to Scotland Yard. That was an awfully personal question for someone who was just swearing at me. "Because I wanted a change." I looked up to see Sherlock walking up to me from a side alley. "Hiya," I said to him and got up from the ground and pulled up the girl with me.

"Good job."

"It was no big deal." I bushed myself off then looked at my watch. "Shoot, I have to go." I looked at my ripped blue jeans and mud spots on my white shirt. I was in no condition to go into public like this, but I had no choice since I couldn't stand up Kale. "You owe me a new outfit," I growled at the girl I tackled before looking back at Sherlock.

"Date with prince charming?"

"Yeah, something like that," I said holding back the blush that threated to come to my face. He nailed it spot on. That was why I was tried to look nice today but chasing people down alleys was bound to mess up my look.

"Then take this." Sherlock said and pulled out a light sweater from inside his coat.

I gave him a nod, although I hid my amazement from him. Did he really pack a sweater for me? Our relationship had changed so much since when I first started to work for him. Together, we learned how to look out for each other. We grew closer. Sherlock was my partner, and I wouldn't want anyone else by my side to solve murders.

I took the sweater from him then turned away to walk off, knowing that Sherlock would take care of the rest. I walked into a main busy street and wrapped my sweater around my small frame as I shook from cold and nerves. I had been waiting for this day for a while, date with Kale. A real date, one that he didn't have to leave into the shadows afterwards.

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