Chapter 28: A Storm Is Coming

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Look out for the <>!

I took a turn into a long dirt driveway and followed it past a forest to a big dark stone house in a foggy valley. The sun was completely gone now and it had such an creepy look to it. This place was never cheerful when I came to visit, although Nan said it was a beautiful place to see when the sun did come out. I however never had patience to wait for that to happen. I guess I would never know now.

I pulled over to the side of the driveway, close to the house and woke up John who had dozed asleep. "We're here," I said as I put on my jacket and stepped out into the cold air.

"This is it?" John said as he got out of the car with a yawn. He looked like he was half asleep still.

I looked at the entry way of the house that had a huge coat of arms above the door. I wouldn't mistake this place. "Yes."

"It's beautiful."

That was normally not the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this place. "Thanks," I said and shrugged as I pulled out a heavy bronze key that I had in my pocket. I put it into the key hole and turned the knob.

The door creaked as I opened it and when I walked in I saw all the furniture covered up with white sheets. It looked dead and haunted, just as I left it last time. The smell of must filled my noise, flooding my mind with old memories of this place. Nan always tried to make this place more welcoming for me. We played games and told stories, but without Nan here, this place was nothing more then a pile of stones.

"Maire?" a voice asked, coming out of the shadows was a older man with a graying hair. He had a beer gut from all his drinking habits from the war and had smile wrinkles from lots of laughs. He had this friendly grandpa look to him. He hadn't changed at all in the last 3 years that I had seen him.

"Hello Trevor," I said politely to him with a smile. "It's been a long time."

"Yeah it has," he said and smiled at me brightly. "So you need help? Didn't think I would see this coming from you of all people." He chuckled at me as he took my bag then started to walk up the old wooden stairs. I knew that is where he kept his guns in one of the spare rooms. I started to follow him with John on my heels.

"Are you going to keep on being rude or are you going to introduce me to your friend?" Trevor said as we walked up the stairs.

I smiled at him. He was always such a character. Trevor practically raised me when I visited this place with Nan and he probably knew me just as well as Nan. He was just as a part of my family as Nan was. "This is John Watson," I said and I gestured to John.

"Hello," John said and smiled politely.

"Nice to meet you," he said once we reached the top of the stairs and gave him a firm hand shake. "Army?"

"Yes," John said with surprise evident in his voice.

Just before John had time to ask how he knew Trevor replied saying, "That's a good strong confident hands shake. I may not be as observant as Maire over here but I do know an army hand shake when I see one."

We walked through halls in silence then stopped in one of the back rooms. "I sold most of your granddad's guns when your grandmother died sadly. We still have about five more left," he said as he pulled open the gun closet to reveal five old hunting guns. "They're a bit old but they'll do."

"They will do just fine," I said and took out one of them and pumped it once. 

"The moon is bright outside, want to shoot a few rounds before we call it a night?" Trevor asked me.

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