Chapter 56: Things Get Better

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Look out for the <>!

I walked down the road as the sun was high in the sky without a cloud to be seen. It was summer now and that made me smile. I think I almost had a tan; I hadn't had one of those in years. I wasn't even trying, lately I found myself taking walks in the park in the middle of the day or doing errands for Sherlock or John. I guess the sun found me then. my pink hair had long been gone and honestly, I didn't miss it.

I almost hopped down the road. Why I was in such a chipper mood, I have no idea. It was just one of those days that I felt happy with myself and content with what I had. Lately those days have been coming more often. I didn't fight it, I didn't stop it, I left it come and I embraced it. I was tired of feeling weighed down by the world or just simply mad at it for what it has given me.

It had been about five months since the explosion and Lestrade still believed that all the treasure was destroyed. I didn't think he would ever find out the truth and that didn't bother me. As for Zane, I saw him once in prison it was maybe a month ago. He looked.... broken..... like I did not too long ago. That image and moment was still fresh in my mind.


"What did you want from me Zane?" I snapped through the phone as I looked through the glass into his honey colored eyes that were now black. His eyes had rings around them, like he wasn't getting sleep, and by the bruise he had on his neck, I guessed that he hadn't made good friends since he'd been here.

"Nice to see you look so good." he said with a chuckle that was almost a cough. He was not thriving here and in the back of my mind I almost felt sorry for him, I knew the feeling. I was dying when I was here too. But that feeling of sorry was gone as fast as it came.

"Spare me the complements Zane. What do you want?" I asked, my tone demanding.

"How do you like your treasure now?" he grinned at me.

"I don't want to talk about it," I said bluntly making him believe that I didn't have it anymore. I slouched my shoulders for a second and then regained my 'confidence'.  "Now if that is what you want to talk about it, then I'll be leaving."

"No. I... I want to say sorry."

I bit my lip before I glared at him. Why would he have me come all the way here just for him to tell me that? "Really? That's all you wanted to say? For all the things you have done to me, all the people that have gotten hurt or killed, all you say is sorry? Well I'm sorry but sorry isn't going to make up for all the horrible things that you have done to me."

"I didn't want to kill you. I didn't want to kill Sherlock. Just some things happened that I never foresaw...." he mumbled to me.

I looked at his slouched body, not willing to talk to him anymore. "Yeah, ok I'm done with this." I said and got up and hung up the phone. I didn't want to hear what he had to say, I was never going to forgive him for what he had done to me or anyone of my friends. He didn't deserve that and sorry wasn't going to make it better.

I took a sharp left and turned on to Baker Street. Sherlock said that he wanted me to look at this case he had been working on all morning. I had been out all day, doing nothing but it was nice. I needed one of those days ever once in a while.

"What have you been off doing?" Sherlock said as I walked into our flat.

"Nothing, just enjoying the sun," I shrugged, telling the truth. I have been doing that a lot more lately. Ever since everyone saw me broken and weak that week when Sherlock got shot, I realized that I didn't care if people knew the real me. I had many sides and I wasn't ashamed of showing them. There were still times that my bluntness came out or times were I wasn't willing to tell the truth but they didn't come as often as they use to.

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