Chapter 13: She's Gone ( part 3)

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This song is for Zane! Keep a look out for a <> to know when to listen to the song.

John's version

"Oh hello," Molly said in her always bubbly attitude when as we barged into her office unexpectedly.

"I need a microscope," Sherlock said, not even bothering to say hello back to her. But I couldn't blame him. We were on a clock and we didn't have time to mess around.

I looked at my clock again for the fifth time this hour; 7:00 PM, we had only three more hours until 10:00 rolled around.

"Yeah, help yourself," Molly said and moved aside so he could sit at her desk to use her microscope. Molly was such a saint for dealing with Sherlock.

I watched as Sherlock put the paper under the microscope to examine it.

"Where's Rori?" Molly asked.

"Someone took her. That's why we're here," Sherlock said a little too bluntly to her.

Her face changed to shock as she gasped. "Why would someone take her?"

"Think about it. She's white collar thief, she's not the easiest to get along with and now she works for Scotland Yard. Who would want to take her? For revenge? for a job? There are loads of reasons," Sherlock said as he looked at the microscope.

"Right." Molly sat down right beside Sherlock. "I'm sorry," she whispered to him, like she knew he was upset.

"There is some acid on this paper, but I'm not sure what it could be from," Sherlock said, not acknowledging Molly's comment. He got up from his seat and closed his eyes as he moved his hands in the air, as if shifting thoughts around in his mind.

An acid, he wanted it to be hard to us, but maybe he wanted Sherlock to read too much into this. What if the answer was simple but what would be strong enough to make a note on paper but not burn it though? What would be easy to do but no one thought about it? What was that fruit and I used when I was a kid and played spies with my neighbor? "Lemon."

"What?" Molly asked as Sherlock opened his eyes to look at me.

"Acid, lemon, a letter. This is primary school spy stuff. Did this as a kid. We need heat, a heat source, like a hair drier," I said as I looked around at the cold room we were in. "Oh forget it." Molly wouldn't have something like a hair drier lying around here. I got the paper and took a deep breath and breathed on it. It took a second, but the letter A came out in light brown.

"Brilliant John! Just brilliant!" Sherlock said enthusiastically. This was one of the few times he had complemented me, which shocked me. It wasn't that brilliant, but if he thought so, I would not complain.

"My coworker from down stairs always has a hair drier in her office, let me get it," Molly piped in, eager to help.

After we got the hair drier, we ran it over all the paper until, in bold letters appeared saying, "fooled you. Did you think this clue would be this easy to find? Start at the beginning."

Sherlock swore under his breath as I mentally curse every foul word that came to my mind. We only have two ½ more hours and we had to start over. He planned this all along, knowing we would see that dummy and think it was the clue. He made this game because he wanted us to fail.

"I'm sorry," Molly said with a disappointed look to her face.

Silently, Sherlock walked out of the room, and I followed behind. We had no more time to spare.


Rori's version


"I wonder if they caught onto my fake clue by now. That would have sent them back a little bit," Zane said as he walked back into the room that I was in. "I think it's time to send them into a minor panic, don't you?"

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