Chapter 15: Name Of The Game

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WOW sorry this is late! I just have been loaded with homework! it's been really crazy! but I did most of my homework for tomorrow so I was like "oOoOH free time!!!" :) so I posted this lovely. I hope you enjoy this and vote or you what ever you do. till next time my friends! Look out for the <>!



I woke up to my phone buzzing on the table beside my bed. Sleep still had its hold on me, but before I knew what I was doing, I was out of my warm bed with the phone up to my ear. "Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Is Sherlock there?" Lestrade said on the other line.

I frowned. I was not about to fetch him for Lestrade. "No, and I just woke up. I suggest if you want to call him, try his phone," I snapped, mad that he woke me up from my sleep when the sun wasn't even out.

"I can't get a hold of him..." his voice trailed off.

"Well sorry, can't help you there," I said, reading to end the call.

"Can you get him on the phone?"


I guess I was going to have to fetch him against my will. With a long sigh, I opened my door and yelled out, "SHERLOCK!"

It was quiet for a minute and then I heard footsteps coming to me, then Sherlock appeared, soaked from head to toe.

I didn't care why he was wet or what he had been doing. I just wanted to go back to sleep. "Lestrade," I said bluntly, and thrusted out my phone to him.

He took the phone, said, ".... Yes...ok..." with that he hung up the phone and gave it back to me.

A ghost of a smile was clear on his face. We had a job to do. "Lestrade wants us in his office in an hour."

So much for going back to sleep. "Fine," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You may wonder why I'm wet. You see, I was doing an experiment with how cellphones-"

"I don't really care what you were doing," I cut him off, still in a terrible mood from being woken up. I turned on my heels to get back into my room to change. As I took off my sleep shirt, I saw the massive bruise on my right side, now healing. I took a deep breath and felt my ribs ache. It was going to take a while until they were healed completely.

Two weeks had passed since Zane came around. I still woke up from nightmares about it, but I'm sure Sherlock couldn't hear me from his room. We kept our eyes open to see if he would come back, but he seemed to have vanished. I guessed he had his fun for the time being, but I knew he would be back. But when that happened, I would be ready for him.

After I changed and brushed my teeth, I walked into the kitchen to see a hand in a bowl of ice on the table. "What the hell Sherlock! This is where we eat!" I shouted at him.

"It's for another experiment."

"I don't care! Stick it in your room! I can't sit here and stare at 'Thing' while I eat!" I shouted as I pointed to it. We hadn't had a case in a good two weeks too, enough to get Sherlock bored, and to entertain himself with other things.

Without saying another word, he came up to the table, picked up the bowl and carried to off to his room. Feeling successful that I won the fight, I got a slice of bread and put it in the toaster. I rubbed my eyes from sleep as I waited for the bread to be done. I woke up twice last night from nightmares about Zane, but that was normal now. Full night sleeps were a thing of the past as I struggled with feeling safe again.

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