Chapter 52: Standing In The Dark

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Look out for the <>

I sat on the end of a hospital bed as John stitched my side back together. I hadn't heard anything about Sherlock and it was driving me close to insanity. I was frustrated, at him, John, but mostly at me. I should have gotten that bullet. 

"You really got a good one here," John said as he sewed away at me.

I nodded at him in silence, only half paying attention to him. My mind was still back in that building with Zane and Sherlock. I looked at my hands. Even though John helped clean them, I was sure I could still see blood on them.  

John sighed as he looked at me. He put his hands on my shoulders and felt me shaking. I couldn't stop I watched Sherlock bleed out in front of me. "Rori, things will look up." He said as he took his rubber gloves off. "Done."

I looked at my side and saw my skin pinched together with thin plastic like thread.

"Rori, you should rest." I still couldn't get how John was so calm. What we dealt with was scary but yet John seemed ok.

I shook my head at him. "I can't. Not until I know Sherlock will be fine."

John stood up from his chair and picked up a needle that was on the metal table beside him. "And he will be fine, we just need to give it time." He looked at the needle in his hands. I frowned as I looked at the needle, knowing that he was planning something. "Do you trust me?"

"With my life." John was just as part of my family was Sherlock was. 

"Good," he said and stuck the needle into my arm and released the fluid it had. "This will help you rest."

I felt the room blur almost instantly. I grabbed onto John as panic rose in me. I couldn't believe he drugged me. I had to be aware when I got news of Sherlock. "John, please..." I said, feeling like the words were fuzz balls stuck in my throat.

John lightly pushed me back into the bed and put a warm blanket over me. "I'm going to check on those X-rays for your hand. For now, I want you to sleep," he said as he turned off the light to my room. With that, he left, closing the door behind him.

I closed my eyes and felt everything go dark.

Before I knew it the lights were turned back, causing me to wake from my drugged sleep. I opened my eyes to see a fuzzy version of John sitting next to me in a hideously green plastic chair. "There you are."

I started to look around but stopped as I felt the room spin. I looked at my arm and saw it wrapped in a hard black cast. It was heavy and I struggled to lift my arm to fully look at it.  

"Your hand is definitely broken. Hope you don't mind black, it was either that or lime green."

I smiled lightly at John's humor. I moved in the bed and felt my body ache. I didn't know how long I was out for but it felt like forever. Sherlock. I had to know how he was. "Where's Sherlock?" John didn't say anything as tears started to come to my eyes again. I killed him. "Where is he?" I begged John.

"Calm down Rori, he's out of surgery. I was coming to tell you myself."

"We can see him?"

John smiled at me. "Yup," he said as he pulled a wheelchair closer to the bed.

I got out of bed and felt my legs shake under my weight then sat down in the chair. 

He pushed me through different halls until we ended up in front of a closed door. "He's still under sedation." John explained to me as he pushed me into the room.

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