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Y/n's Pov

I'm a 19 year old high school girl at Daegu high. I have a part time job at a cafe as a waitress and I despise school because of some piece of trashes.

Highschool is tough for me and I'm barely managing. No one really liked me here and also I am treated as a nobody. Yeah.. they do bully me alot because of something I was born with. I can see spirits and many people thinks I'm crazy. I mean who wouldn't?

No one actually believes me when I tell them so its kinda sad no one actually tried to listen to me. Even my parents don't really pay attention to what I am saying. They always say that I am hallucinating or what not but I can't stop all this even if I wanted to.

Ofcourse my parents love me but why can't they just trust me?

It was only my grandma who believed me because her mom that is my great grandma can see what others can't, like me, and my grandma told me it is a gift but its feels more like a curse than a so called gift.

I've been seeing spirits since I was a kid, as you know I was born with it. It has been like this since I was in elementary school, the bully I mean. Kids would call me crazy and all kinds of offensive nicknames but does that affect me? Well, not anymore since I've quite gotten used to it.

I've been seeing both sides of spirits and if you're wondering what kind of spirits they are well, let me tell you. Calm spirits are those who only care about their own world who only wants to see their own love ones before they go to the afterlife and I'm not that terrified of them cause they look more like humans.

As for the violent spirits, well you know how they'd behave. They looked a bit terrifying because they still have the injured face or body, the same way they died.

In the evening.
After my part time job and I decided to take a short cut from a narrow alley just right across the block. 'I have a bad feeling about this' I thought but I shrugged the feelings away.

As I was walking, it was quiet but suddenly I heard laughs coming straight at me. It was those high school trashes....those no life bastards aka my bullies and that moment I knew, I'm totally dead.

'I should have went the long way! Fudge my laziness!' I muttered to myself and groaned. I tried running away but I heard a voice calling out to me. 'shit'.

"Oh! If it isn't the school's ghost girl." One of them said and I'm having a feeling that he is smirking like an idiot.

I turned to them with a scowl on my face.

"Oh hey y/n, you're not gonna introduce us to your ghost friends?" The other guy with the annoying face said. I can sense sarcasm coming from his mouth. Typical.

I knew they were teasing me again. 'I swear if they'd say anything any further I'd shove their hands up there butt' I thought but damn! why wasn't I born a boy? like hell I'll care I'll just whoop their fucking ass right now.

One of them approached me and placed his hand on my right shoulder while smirking. Ew who knows what he's touched with that hand.

He came closer to me and whisper "We'll let you off today if you give us what we want." He said while licking his lips.

"Ew what the fuck??" I shouted and shoved his hands away from me.

"What did you just say!?" He held me upper hand tight and I winced.

I'm done I'm gonna throw up. I tried getting off his grasp but he was too strong and suddenly something hit my mind.

"I'm gonna regret this or maybe not." I said as I kick his 'thing'.

Where the sun doesn't shine. As hard as I can and I saw him falling down slowly as he held his you know what and oh boy the guts I have.

I've always wanted to do that lol and now I know I'm doomed. 'Shit y/n! You've messed up big time!! But who cares?' I mumbled as I started running as if my life depends on it.

I ran as fast as I can with these two chicken legs of mine and to who knows where.

I can hear them running after me as they were yelling "Stop right there you bitch! You're gonna pay for this!''

Are you kidding me? I'm chased by a bunch of perverted bastards who wants to harass me and they expect me to stop? Hell nah.

My legs were feeling very numb from all that running and they are still chasing me!! Am I gonna die tonight? Please no I didn't even get to meet my favourite idol Park HyunSik yet.

As I was running I saw an old abandoned house although I know its not a good idea but at least it's better than getting killed by a bunch of perverts.

I sprint towards the house and hid there for a while. I was panting heavily from all that running. I saw them running to the other block and I sigh in relief.

I tried catching my breath as I looked infront of me and I realised I was literally inside an abandoned house! Omg this is so terrifying!

I hope I don't encounter anyone weird here. I got up and started walking slowly towards the house. Typical main lead syndrome, why am I doing this? As I walked a little bit further I can sense something here. Something I've never sensed before.

....... ....... ........ ........

Hey guys this is my first time writing a story so......don't expect much from me hehe and also please comment and vote💜

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