He ignored them before making his way to the cafeteria where he assumed where Akaashi was since he arrived at lunch break. He grinned when he saw the familiar curly raven haired lad is eating together with their friends. This calls for a dramatic entrance!

"AKAASHI! HEY, HEY, HEY!" Bokuto literally made a dramatic entrance in the cafeteria. As always, the younger lad flinched when he heard his name being called rather loudly in the cafeteria.

The older lad approached him then wrapped his arm around his shoulder with his loud laughter. The other friends in the table are laughing as well because of his eye-catching entrance, it was worth watching after a stressful day of school.

Akaashi then turned his head to his friend but soon those blue eyes widened in horror before grabbing his arm gently, "Bokuto-san, what happened to you!?"

"Hmm? What are you talking about?" Bokuto now is even more confused because his friend's reaction is similar to those other students from the front gate of the school.

"Your arm? They're bleeding, Bokuto-san," Akaashi quickly fully turned his body to him and carefully examined his torn sleeves to his front shirt. The younger lad had to ignore the fact that Bokuto's exposed bicep is not really bad but there's a long wound. Then something caught his attention, "Where's your uniform suit?"

"It's right he-," Bokuto opened his bag but only to find nothing. He started to panic, "Huh!? Where is it!? Why isn't it here?"

"Did you forget it somewhere? On the train, perhaps?" Akaashi tried to help his friend to remember but it seems like it doesn't work.

"I don't remember!" He pouted, getting this sad aura around him.

Suddenly, Komi says, "You might want to change your uniform, Bokuto. They're unfixable anyway, the torn are too long. But nice hat,"

"Thanks!" The golden eyed lad grinned.

Akaashi sighed before standing up and grabbing the back of his friend's shirt from the table. "Let's get you fixed,"

On the way to the nurse office was silent, only the students' voices filled the corridor but when they saw how terrible Bokuto looked today, they gasped in surprise. Did he get into a fight? What happened to his uniform? Was that blood?

Akaashi glanced at his friend who's walking right beside him, trying to find a hint of sadness or any uneasy feelings from the older lad but it seems like he's alright. Despite the long wound on his arm, Akaashi is unable to help but frown at the sight but decides to ask about it later.

The nurse, who's on duty today, helped Bokuto with his cuts. Turns out that he has a few cuts on his hands that need to be healed. His hand is wrapped with a few small band-aids and there's a bandage wrapped around his right upper arm. The nurse suggests Bokuto to change his ripped uniform since it's dirty and impossible to fix, Akaashi took a note for that.

But as stubborn as ever, Bokuto denied the suggestion by saying his uniform is fine. Akaashi almost broke his pen, forgetting how annoying his friend would be when he doesn't listen to anyone. Since it's impossible for him to change by himself, Akaashi then volunteered by saying he'll get spare clothes in the gym locker room for the older lad and maybe a dispensation letter for Bokuto would be nice too. He won't be allowed to be in class without his usual uniform anyway so there's no point for him to get in class.

After changing the uniform, Akaashi examined the slightly bigger and torn uniform in his hand - traced his finger on the dirt that defiled half of his white shirt. What in the world happened to him?

"What did you do to your uniform, Bokuto-san? Did you get in a fight?" The dark blue eyed lad asked as he turned his head to his friend who is lying happily on the bed in the school health unit's room.

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