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Possible trigger warning in this chapter.  ⚠️

I gasped as I was shaken awake that night to see Remus hovering above me.

"Baby, it's midnight. Caesar is here to get you" Remus said gently as he looked down at me sadly.

"But I want to stay with you" I whispered as I closed my eyes again, pulling his cloak tighter around me.

"Lucas, let's go" a cold voice said from the entrance of the tent, causing me to squeak slightly.

I just nodded as I sat up. I let out a deep sigh as Remus leaned down and kissed me gently.

"I love you" he said softly as he pulled away.

"I love you too" I squeaked as I stood up and Julius immediately grabbed my arm and dragged me out of his tent.

He pushed me inside of his tent before lifting me and throwing me onto his bed.

"We need to talk," he said angrily.

"I stand by what I said earlier," I said coldly, as I crossed my arms over my chest, staring up at the ceiling of his tent.

"I had no doubt that you did but, I thought I should let you know that your name has been cleared" he said as he straddled my waist.

"What the hell are you talking about" I snapped.

"You should watch your tone and I defended your name so that what I said was simply a metaphor, not that you're actually my whore" he said coldly.

"But I am. Why bother lying" I sighed tiredly as I looked away from him.

"Because I don't want you to not have a chance at a career when we return home. I know you want to go into politics and in order to do that, what we're doing needs to be kept secret. I'm seriously considering executing Felix and Albus still" he replied as he forced my head back.

"Is it because they know" I asked angrily as I glared up at him.

"Of course it is and watch your tone or I will punish you more than I already plan to" he snapped as he grabbed my chin and forced my head backwards.

"W-What are you going to do to me" I gasped.

"You'll see soon enough" he said, smirking slightly.

I just sighed as I closed my eyes, squeaking slightly as his hand slid down to rest on my waist.

"There's so much I want to do to you and so much you deserve for being disrespectful but leaving any lasting marks would raise more suspicion" he mused as he watched my body tense beneath him.

"I'd rather not have to answer any embarrassing questions from anyone else" I whispered.

"I do have one question for you and that will help me determine the extent of your punishment" he said.

"What is it" I asked.

"Did you sleep with him" he asked, watching my face as I sighed.

"No, I didn't" I sighed as I looked up at him tiredly.

"You're not lying to me are you" he asked as he got off of me, moving to sit behind his desk as he motioned me to follow him.

I shook my head as I stood tentatively and walked over to him. I stopped in front of him but squeaked as he pushed me over his desk.

"J-Julius, what are you doing" I squeaked, blushing slightly as I felt him stand behind me.

"Punishing you, baby" he said darkly.
I squeaked, turning an even brighter red as I felt his hand connect with my ass.

"Behave and maybe I won't be too harsh. Start counting, and if you lose count I'm starting over" he whispered in my ear.

"O-One" I squeaked before gasping out "Two," as he hit me again.

This continued on for quite a while with me barely able to gasp out the numbers as he continued.

Finally, he said, "You've been so good, baby, you're almost done. Just a few more," as he spanked me again, causing me to mumble a quiet, "Forty-eight".

The next two came in rapid succession before he pulled away from me and sat down in his chair, pulling me into his lap as he did so.

"You can rest now" he said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I just nodded, shaking slightly and I laid my head on his chest. I closed my eyes, exhausted as I drifted off to sleep.

A few hours must have passed as I awoke to the horn being blown, signaling us all to start work for the day. I groaned as I sat up, wincing slightly as I was still sore from last night.

"Go back to sleep, Lucas" Julius said from where he was sitting at his desk.
"Why" I asked tiredly as I looked over at him.

"Don't question me" he replied coldly as he looked over at me.

I just nodded as I laid back down, pulling his cloak around my body tightly as I curled up.

"How are you feeling" he asked as he stood and walked over to the bed, sitting beside me.

"Sore" I mumbled, not wanting to look up at him.

"That's understandable though it had to be done" he shrugged as he stroked my hair gently.

"Can I go do my job" I asked tiredly.

"Maybe later" he replied before standing and lifting me. "However you still need to learn Gaulish," he sighed as he sat in his chair, holding me tightly in his lap.

"Then why am I on your lap" I asked as I looked up at him.

"You'll see soon enough" he smirked, before adding, "Try to keep up," switching to Gaulish and started asking me a bunch of questions.

I was able to keep up for the most part, and answered as best I could but after awhile he switched to stuff we hadn't learned and I squeaked slightly as I started stumbling over my words more and more.

Eventually I just couldn't understand him anymore and looked away from him, unable to answer his question.

"Are you going to answer me" he asked, switching back to Latin briefly.

"I don't know what you said" I whispered, kind of embarrassed as he pushed my head back gently to face him.

"So that's your limit for now? Pretty good, it's better than I was expecting" he said softly.

"Wait, you're not angry" I asked confused.

"No, I'm not. You need to learn and you've been good since you were punished" he sighed as he cupped my face in his hand.

I just nodded as I closed my eyes, leaning into his touch slightly.

"Do you still want to go help with the wall" he asked as he watched me.

I just shook my head as I started to drift off to sleep, but before I passed out I could feel him lift me and set me on the bed gently before covering me with his cloak.

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