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"Come on, Lucas, I know you're stronger than this" Brennos yelled as he threw a knife at me that I just barely dodged.

We had been training for several hours already and I was already feeling exhaustion seeping into my bones. Remus was watching from the sidelines, worry etched into his face at the thought of me possibly getting hurt.

"I literally died less than a day and a half ago" I squeaked, ducking to dodge the next one he threw.

"I'm aware and I don't particularly want you to die again. This time could be a bit more permanent" Brennos replied, having run out of knives and grabbed the bow beside him, shooting an arrow at him.

I squeaked, jumping out of the way before grabbing my sword from my belt and running towards him. I knocked the arrows he shot at me out of the way before knocking the bow out of his hands. Jumping on his back, I held the sword to his throat but I couldn't get him to fall over.

"You're not heavy enough to be able to do that. We'll have to find a substitute" he said, laughing slightly as he shook me off, and I squeaked as I landed on my back on the floor.

"If I take out your knees then you might drop" I squeaked out as he pulled me back to my feet.

"You'd have to catch me first" he smirked down at me.

"You can't avoid me if you can't see me," I replied, blending into the shadows of the room as I virtually disappeared.

"Lucas, where did you go" Brennos asked, looking around frantically. He gasped as all of a sudden my leg connected with the backs of his knees and he crumbled to the floor.

"That's where I went" I panted slightly as I looked down at him.

"What did I tell you about using your powers during training" he asked as he stood up, crossing his arms as he looked down at me.

"You told me not to use them, but let's be realistic. I'm not going to get any taller and I doubt I'll gain weight while being here so having them strengthened will only help in actual battle" I replied, not at all intimidated by him.

"You get a lot more tired when using your powers and I fear that you will fade in battle if you aren't careful" he sighed.

"I've survived it once, who's to say I won't a second time" I asked.

"Guess you'll need my brother around then" he said, a slight edge to his voice as he glanced over at Remus who was watching our interaction.

"He definitely helps," I said, smiling faintly at him.

"Come on, we're going for a run, you need to be fast" he said before dashing out of the building.

I sighed following him and through the streets of Alesia. "Brennos, where are we going" I yelled to where he was already several meters ahead of me.

"Just around the city" he yelled back, speeding up, trying to test how far I could go.

I nodded, doing my best to keep up with him. Eventually I was right beside him and I smiled up at him as we finally stopped at the edge of the city that faced the part of the wall that had the Roman camp behind it.

"You are getting stronger and it's only been a couple of days," Brennos said, leaning against a tree.

"I'm trying" I said and then gasped as a sudden wave of exhaustion hit me like a wave in a storm would a boat. I nearly fell as Brennos grabbed my waist, helping to steady me.

"Are you alright" he asked softly.

I nodded, leaning into him slightly as I tried to bring myself back into my body.

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