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"Well you've made some improvements in your decision making abilities" Pluto sighed as he looked down at me.

"Yeah, but he still caught me" I replied as I looked down at the scratches on my arms.

"Have you considered recruiting the Gaul to help you" he asked, pacing the tent.

"I haven't but that might help.  The only problem is I'm on watch now for trying to desert" I sighed.

"Sneak out when no one is looking. You're my son, I expect you to be more resourceful"he reminded me.

"Yes, I'm aware," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Shadow-travel.  Rest up and then shadow-travel out" he said.

"You know I've been weaker lately" I replied.

"Then get stronger but don't give into him.  I don't care what it takes.  You give in and your life is over with the Romans" he said, for the fifth time

"You know I'm trying, it's just, maybe I want to give into him.  Have you ever considered that" I said, my nerves fried from constantly arguing.

"Then perhaps you were dumber than I thought.  He doesn't love you, Lucas.  The only one that did was Remus and now he's gone.  If you want him to hurt and abuse you for the rest of your life then fine, but don't come crying to me when you're left a broken mess that Rome doesn't want.  Son, I love you, but please, for the love of the Gods, do what's right" Pluto said before disappearing.

I gasped as I sat upright in bed before laying my head in my hands.  I looked over to see that Julius was asleep and decided that maybe it was for the best that I try to leave.  I slid out of bed soundlessly and slid on my shoes before letting myself become one with the shadows in the tent, shadow-traveling out and over to where Brennos was being kept.  I stopped, trying to catch my breath as I leaned against the small wooden jail cell. 

"You good," Brennos asked, seeing me appear out of nowhere.

"Yes, fine.  Come on" I said, busting the lock and threw open the door.

"Where're we going, shadow boy" he smirked down at me.

"We're leaving.  We're going to Alesia" I said, grabbing his hand before melting into the shadows with him.

I fell out of the portal and into no man's land, landing on top of Brennos.

"You're no normal mortal are you" he asked as he stood up and pulled me to my feet.

"No, I'm a demi-god" I replied, leaning into him as the world swayed around me.

"Whose son" he asked, trying to help steady me.

"Pluto, the god of the underworld" I sighed as I finally looked up at him.

"You've got some pretty impressive powers though they do seem to do a number on you" he said, and sensing that I was more steady on my feet, he let go of me.

"I get tired quickly but it's worth it at times"  I said, a faint smile crossing my lips as we started heading towards Alesia.

"How old are you" he asked as he glanced over at me.

"Seventeen, you" I asked.

"A bit older, I'm twenty-four" he replied.

I just nodded as all of a sudden, I could hear horse hooves from in front of us.

"They know someone is out here" Brennos said, pushing me behind him as he drew his sword.

"Holy hell! Brennos, is that you" one of the men asked as he hopped off his horse.

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