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"Son, there are no words to describe the disappointment I feel towards your choices recently" Pluto sighed as he looked down at me.

"I want a future for both Remus and myself.  Returning was the only option.  We both know the Gauls are going to lose and if I didn't die in the war then I would likely just become a slave" I replied.

"Not only did you sleep Remus, you also slept with Caesar.  You know what that means if word were to get out" he said.

"I made my choice to go back and I don't regret it" I said coldly.

"Perhaps I didn't give you enough credit.  Say all of this goes well, then what?  Are you going to continue this charade back in Rome" he asked.

"If I have to, yes.  I want to have a political career and I'm sleeping with the one man who can guarantee that for me" I sighed.

"And Remus" he asked.

"He's the only one I love," I replied.

He just nodded before saying, "Good luck, you're going to need it," before disappearing.

I gasped as I awoke to see Julius watching me, a worried expression on his face as he looked down at me.

"Who were you talking to" he asked.

"My father" I sighed as I looked up at him. 

"He disapproves of what you're doing" he asked.

I laughed slightly and shook my head, "You have no idea.  Prior to me leaving for the Gauls, he was always telling me about the dangers of sleeping with another man and since I've decided to, he's been rather quiet until tonight where he pretty much told me he's disappointed in me."

"You made the right decision," he replied. 

"I know I did, everything just needs to stay quiet so I don't lose my social status" I sighed.

"I meant what I said before, I will protect you from scrutiny while you're mine, granted you do as I say" he said, smiling slightly at me.

I nodded and smiled faintly as he reached down to cup my face in his hand.

"You're adorable when you're not fighting me," he said gently.

"T-Thanks" I said shakily.

"What I needed to talk to you about is, the Gauls managed to get through the wall and sent out messengers to the remaining tribes.  I'm thinking of having another wall built and since I trust your judgement when it comes to things like this, what do you think" he asked.

"But that would just trap us, wouldn't it" I asked, slightly confused.

"Yes, but we'd have the height advantage from the top of the walls as well as they couldn't get supplies in or out" he replied.

"I suppose so but I feel like it's a really big risk" I sighed.

"It is, but one that may be worth it" he said softly as he stroked my hair.

I just nodded, letting myself give in as I leaned into his touch. 

"Are you still tired" he asked.

"I'm always tired," I said, watching him as he got off of me and sat beside me on the bed.

"How come" he asked, concerned.

"It's usually from using my powers but at the moment I don't really know" I sighed.

"Should I be worried" he asked.

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