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"Lucas, I can't wake you up everyday" Remus smiled as he shook me awake.

I groaned as I sat up, "Why don't they let us sleep longer" I sighed, standing and grabbing my bag.

"I couldn't tell you that. That would be something to take up with the legate" he smiled before walking out of the tent.

I sighed, following him out, and over to my horse.

"Hey, Marion. Another long day ahead" I said to her as I stroked her mane while feeding her a carrot. She neighed softly as I climbed up on her back and rode over to where my men were assembling.

After stopping in front of them, I waited for the few stragglers to arrive before saying, "Good morning, men. We have another long march ahead of us and potentially another battle that has not been planned for. If you see anything unusual, let me know. May the Gods be ever on our side."

With that we began following the others in front of us. I hummed quietly to myself, taking note that the sky seemed kind of gray today, like it would rain soon. 'Battle in rain is always a bit difficult' I thought as I saw someone else on a horse approach me.

"Lucas, we need to talk later tonight after we stop," Marcus said as he came to ride alongside me.

"What about, Sir" I asked, slightly confused.

"I have an important task for you concerning the Gauls" he replied before taking off again to the front of the legion.

I just shook my head, I didn't understand this man. What the hell would he want me to do?

Not long after the rain started. At least now there would be more shadows to control if we did get into another battle. We stopped a few hours later as it was getting more and more difficult to see as we marched on. I went to tie up my horse when I heard hooves behind me.

"Lucas, come with me" Marcus said, getting off his horse and tying him up.

I just nodded as I followed him to his tent. I was amazed at how much bigger it was and how it had maps strewn across desks and a big table in the center.

"Please, take a seat" he said, sitting down at his desk, motioning to a chair across from him.

I nodded, sitting down, curious as to what he wanted.

"We captured an interpreter for the Gauls the other day and myself and the other senior officers agree that it would be best if one of our men learned Gallic. We think that you would be the best fit due to your unusual abilities, if you'd be interested. Granted Gallic is a bit different than Latin but in time I do believe you would come to have a solid grasp of the language" Marcus said, watching to see my reaction.

"I suppose I would be interested, granted, is there any compensation, Sir" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"Your pay would increase a bit as well as your rations" he replied.

"Fine, I'll learn Gallic. When do I meet him" I asked.

"Now actually. Bring in the barbarian" he yelled to someone outside the tent.

I shifted slightly as I saw the man walk in.

"Lucas, this is Brennos. Brennos, this is Lucas, your new student" Marcus said, standing as he looked at the Gaul coldly.

"It's nice to meet you," Brennos replied dryly as he extended a hand to me.

I stood and after eyeing it warily, shook it. "The feeling is mutual."

"When do we start" he glared at Marcus.

"Tonight if you'd like" Marcus said coldly.

"Fine, let's go" Brennos said and led me out of the tent to where there had been tables set up.

"What drives your leader to have you learn Gallic" he asked, sitting across from me.

"He wants an interpreter he can trust" I replied, folding my hands in my lap.

"Why you?"

"Why not," I replied.

"You don't seem like the strongest amongst you, not by a long shot" he commented as his eyes slid over me.

"Appearances can be deceiving" I said, shifting slightly under his gaze.

"I suppose so. Shall we begin" he asked, smirking at me with a predatory look in his eyes.

"Indeed" I replied, trying to ignore the feelings stirring within me.


I sighed, heading back to my tent after my Gallic lesson with the barbarian. My head was spinning with the new words and structures that I would have to learn in the coming weeks.

"Oh there you are. I was looking for you earlier, your brother is sick" Remus said, hurrying over to me.

"Do they know why" I asked, following him to the medics' tents.

"They suspect because of the rain" Remus shrugged, shielding the torch from the rain that had since turned into a downpour.

I just nodded, running my hand through my hair as I walked into one of the tents with him and over to my brother's side.

"Lucas" he asked weakly.

"What happened, Alexander" I asked softly, crouching beside his bed.

"I don't know, I just felt really weak when I woke up this morning and after the march I could barely move. I guess I collapsed while setting up our tent" he sighed.

"Do you know what's wrong," I asked, looking to the nearest medic.

"I actually need to ask you something. Is there any reason your brother's treatment would be any different due to an unusual heritage" he asked, trying not to blatantly ask if we were demi-gods.

"His shouldn't be any different, but I am not certain. He was born more human" I replied as I looked sadly at my brother who had fallen asleep again.

"I should be able to handle that then. He probably just needs rest and maybe an elixir or two but he should be fine within a day or two" he smiled, walking over to a cabinet and pulled out a few containers before hurrying over to work on him.

"Thank you" I replied and sighed as I looked at Alexander again before following Remus out and back over to our tents.

"What did you mean he was born more human," Remus asked, stopping outside of my tent.

"I mean exactly that. He was born more human than God. We share the same father but I carry more of our father's traits and he carries more of our mother's" I sighed, glancing over at the sputtering fire.

"That explains a lot" Remus smiled.

"What do you mean," I asked.

"You have more of a presence" he said, taking a step towards me.

"Remus, are you alright" I asked, confused.

He smiled, leaning closer to me as he said, "I'm more than alright. Sleep well, Lucas." With that he turned on his heel and slid into his tent.

I just shook my head before ducking into my tent. I had barely entered when I blacked out.

"Son, I thought I told you to be wary of these men," Pluto said, looking down at me.

"You did but what am I supposed to do," I asked.

"You trust them too much to do the right thing. Only one of them even cares. Tread lightly or they will be your demise" he said before disappearing again.

I opened my eyes, to see that I had fallen over onto the floor of my tent.

"He really needs to start picking better times to talk to me" I grumbled as I pulled myself up onto my cot. I sighed as I closed my eyes, so uncertain as to what all of this meant, and as to what I wanted. Rome expected me to not do the one thing I wanted to and that left me petrified anytime I thought about it. What those actions would do to any reputation I had managed to build for myself over the last few years. What it would mean in the eyes of my superiors, what it would mean in the eyes of my brother. I couldn't, I had to think of my family first, no matter how much I wanted this, how much I wanted him. It just wasn't possible.

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