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I sighed, dragging myself out of bed to go check on Alexander. I slid on a new tunic and grabbed my bag before walking out of my tent to see Remus sitting by the fire.

"Are you always up this early," I asked, coming to stand beside him.

"Typically, I usually wake up the other centurions who can't get up on time," he smiled as he stood.

"Does that include me" I asked as I looked up at him as he stood at least six inches taller than me.

"Well normally yes, but this morning it seems though you have risen early" he replied, "So, since we both know you have an appreciation for sleep, what is it that has caused you to get up?"

"I'm headed over to check on my brother," I said quietly.

"Tell me how he is" he said, concerned.

"I will," I said as a faint smile crossed my face before heading over to the medics' tent. I sighed, taking a deep breath as I entered the tent and over to his bed.

"He's responding well. He should be all ready to go by later today" the medic said, walking over to me.

"Thank you. Hey, Alex" I smiled as I sat beside him.

He just shifted slightly in his sleep and I sighed as I watched him, knowing I'd have to leave soon. I stood a few minutes later after hearing the horn blow, signaling that all soldiers had to be up.

"See you soon" I said and patted my brother's hand before leaving the tent.

I hurried to where I was supposed to assemble my men when I bumped into someone and nearly fell over.

"Watch where you're going" the person snapped at me.

I caught my balance when I realized it was Brennos. "I'm sorry" I said, switching to Gallic.

He looked stunned for a second before laughing. "Of course it's you," he said before walking away.

"The hell does that mean" I sighed, shrugging as I ran over to see that most of them were already assembled.

"Sorry for being a bit later than usual men. I had some things that needed to be taken care of prior to leaving this morning. Today, we should be arriving on the outskirts of Alesia. The coming months will likely be brutal and conditions may become difficult. May the Gods guide us all in securing our victory over the Gauls and in protecting us from harm" I said, letting my voice ring out over them before climbing onto my horse. Not long after we started the final leg of our march.

I could feel the energy in the air coming from the still gray skies and the shadows that scattered the ground. I felt odd, like a feeling I couldn't place. Almost like the universe was trying to tell me something but I wasn't listening. I couldn't listen.

I almost didn't realize that we had stopped up ahead and I let out a frustrated sigh as I saw Gauls closing in on us, yet again.

"For Rome" I heard Marcus yell over the sound of the approaching Gauls. I lept off of my horse and charged forward with my men. I drew my sword as I ran forward letting the shadows act as a second sword.

Instantly I was met by someone nearly double my size. I squeaked slightly as his sword hit mine so hard that it knocked me off my feet. I shoved my hand forward, sending the other man flying as I scrambled to my feet. I ducked the next sword that came my way before shoving him away from me. All of a sudden an arrow came flying at me but I was shoved out of the way at the last second.

"Can't have you getting shot now can we," Remus said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet as the arrow landed less than a foot away.

"T-Thanks" I breathed before pushing him out of the way and stabbing the guy behind him.

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