We had a sub in Chemistry today. I spent the free time catching up on other homework I have that's due. I met up with Tommy in Ms. Frost's class. He's in better condition than what he was at the beginning of the week.

His hair is up in a ponytail again. I flick his curl as I sit down in my seat beside him.

I turned to him, "Can I ask you something?"

"My penis is about seven inches."

I nudged his head and he laughed, "That wasn't the question?"

"God no," I laughed. "Did you ... know about Willow's new girlfriend?"

He nodded, "I did. If you're wondering why I didn't tell you its because she told me she wanted to do it. That it wasn't right for me to be in between your business."

"Ah ... not sure how to feel about that," I responded. "I'd prefer the bandaid being ripped off instead."

"I did want to give you a heads up ... but ..."

I shook my head, "It's fine Tom. You did the right thing, really. We just had a short talk in the hallway."

"How'd that go?" He asked.

"Um ... good. I guess," I shrugged. "I mean, how good can that talk go, you know?"

Tommy got really quiet and leaned in close, "Um, Joe, I don't mean to interrupt you, but those two kids over there keep staring at us. It's kinda creeping me out."

I felt the hairs on my neck stand up, just because I know exactly who he's talking about. I knew I wasn't just being paranoid. I turn around and they quickly looked away from me. It pissed me off.

If you have something to say then say it. Don't just stare from afar like a creep.

I got up from my seat, "If they won't talk first, I will."

"Nova, Nova stop it's not worth it," I heard Tommy say. "Nova."

I walked to the left side of the room. I leaned on the desk across from to the two dark-haired boys. One looked up at me and slowly turned the other way. The other one just stared at me directly in the eyes like he saw a ghost.

"You guys have an eye problem?" I said in a serious tone.

"No," One of the boys answered. "We just—"

"Dillon shut up."

I eyed them even harder, looking at the one named Dillon, "You just what? Cause to be honest I can fix your eye problem. For free."

"It's nothing. We just thought you were someone we knew."

"Right," I moved in closer to them and whispered, "You do it again and I'll make it a real problem with both your eyes."

"Sorry," Dillon said. "It won't happen again."

"I hope it doesn't for your sake."

I saw through the corner of my eye that Ms. Frost walked in. With that I made my way back to my seat, feeling better, but it still feels off. Everything — everyone is becoming suspicious to me.

The final bell rang. The usual people came flowing in.

Two random kids staring at me for two days in a row. Kendall somehow finding me at school. I refuse to believe these are coincidences.

"What'd you say to them?" Tommy asked quietly.

"To stop staring."

"Did you ask why they were staring in the first place?"

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