"A whole lot wrong."

"I'm sorry, Matty. If you had gotten hold of me earlier, I could have stopped the sale, but it is too late now. It is basically signed and sealed. All that is left is for it to be delivered."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, as far as I know, Bill is on his way up there right now. He has copies of the documents for you and he is going to make a final inspection. If he likes what he sees, then all he has to do is call me and I will release the rest of the money and the lighthouse is his."

Matty wanted to scream as loud as she could, but she realized that it would do no good and Dave Wells was not to blame for any of this. He was only doing what she had hired him to do.

Sell the lighthouse.

Matty let out a long sigh.

"Look, Matty. My advice is for you to talk with Bill and see if you guys can work things out. He is a very reasonable man and I am sure he will listen to reason."

"Oh, I plan to talk to him," Matty barked.

"Well, I await the call from one of you. As soon as I get the call we can seal this thing."

"Thank you Dave and I apologize if I came across as a little bitch. This is not your fault. I know you are just doing your job."

"Matty, I can see that there are some issues between you and Bill. But you have to realize that the law is on his side in this and if you really want him to pull out of this deal, then you will have to convince him so.

I wish you all the best."

The sound of an engine outside the house caught Matty's attention.

"Thank you Dave. I will be sure to let you know what happens."

"Well, again, I hope you two can work things out in a way that suits both of you."

"Don't know if that will happen.

Bye Dave."

Matty hung up the telephone just as she heard the door of a vehicle close. She assumed it was Bill.

"Son of a bitch."

Matty started toward the door, but only got half way across the living room when the front door opened.

She saw two suitcases appear from behind the half opened door and then she heard footsteps head away from the house.

Matty stood in silence trying to figure out what her next move was. She looked to the kitchen. There were lots of long sharp knives there.

She wondered if her grandfather's shotgun was still in the attic.

The door opened again.

This time Bill walked in, a duffle bag over his shoulder. He closed the door and dropped the duffel bag to the floor, staring at Matty.

"Hello, Matty," he said softly.

Matty screamed at the top of her lungs and started stomping the floor.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Bill bent down and took some papers from his duffle bag. He stepped forward and offered the papers to Matty.

"According to these papers, I am taking procession of my new home."

Matty stared him straight in the eyes, as she snatched the papers from his hand.

She threw the papers on the floor and started jumping on them screaming as she did so.

She fell to her knees and started tearing the papers into little pieces, throwing them up in the air.

"I have copies," Bill informed her.

Matty screamed and jumped to her feet.

"You bastard," she yelled, as she ran at him.

Bill put his arms up to protect himself.

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