I rolled my eyes and handed him back his notes, "Tommy I wasn't staring, so you're on your own with that one."

He took it from me and smiled, "That's why you had to copy my notes."

"That's why I'm gonna peg your ass some more today," I said quietly. "Am I driving you home later?"

"Nah. Parents are picking me up today. Guess I can't make you feel uncomfortable with my sad life."

We laughed together. His crude humor never fails. Straight home it is then.

I looked over at the doorway waiting for Ms. Frost's entrance but instead, I watched two boys walk into the classroom. They're talking quietly, almost secretively as they quickly sit down in their chairs to get more into their conversation. Then for some reason, both pairs of eyes shoot over to me.

They looked away just as quick. I arched my eyebrow in suspicion. Maybe they just sensed that I was staring at them, but I can't beat the feeling that they were actually talking about me.

I feel my stomach turn in response to the assumption. How would they even know me in the first place, right? I'm probably just being paranoid.


I quickly snapped to Tommy, "What?"

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Fine," I answered dryly. I took a deep breath. "Just wanna work out already I guess."

He mumbled, "Can't say the same."

I looked over at the two boys again. They were turned forwards in their chairs, no longer talking to each other.

The sound of heels took my attention away from them. Ms. Frost walked in and gently placed her bag on top of her desk and opened it, taking her stuff out including her Mac laptop.

Today she's wearing a rose-colored long-sleeve button-up shirt with black slacks that really just ... make her ass look really good. Her hair is down and pushed behind her ears. I swallowed the "wow" that was about to come out of my mouth.

The final bell rang and the rest of the class came flooding in, quickly getting to their seats.

Ms. Frost took her place in the center of the classroom. I watched as her eyes moved across the room. Everyone got quiet pretty fast — waiting for her to speak.

"Good morning everyone. Today I have a video prepared for you to watch. It explains the beginnings of the government and each of the three branches in depth. Feel free to take notes, but afterward, I'll be explaining the most important things to know."

None of us said anything. A video on the third day of school? Nice. No one is gonna argue with that.

"I'm going to take attendance near the end of class. Someone, please remind me so I don't forget."

Ms. Frost had everything set up in a matter of minutes. The projector screen came down and she started playing the video. The lights were turned off in the classroom, leaving it pretty dark.

And as much as I tried to pay attention to the video, my eyes eventually drifted off to Ms. Frost typing and writing at her desk.

She was working furiously. I wonder on what. Does she have that many students? Probably. This high school is huge.

Ms. Frost lifted her head and as she looked at the class her eyes eventually found mine. I froze in my seat, feeling like I just got caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

I thought she was going to look away, but she didn't. She held eye contact for a few seconds, gave me a small smile, and went back to writing and typing. I then smiled to myself. She's probably used to the staring by now.

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