Jungkook hesitantly climbed off of Taehyung, his balance unsteady as he nodded. "I'm sorry then," Jungkook apologized, brushing the wrinkles out of his shirt. Taehyung shook his head as he continued to stare at Jungkook in that outfit. He looked so damn good in it that Taehyung couldn't bring himself to refuse anything Jungkook desired. "It's okay," Taehyung responded softly, smiling up at Jungkook. The nurse shook his head and sighed heavily as he peeked over his spectacles. "That's what you think. What if you get him sick because you can't keep your hormones in check long enough to recover?" The nurse asked, propping his arms up on his desk as he stared at the two of them.

Taehyung was speechless at that question as the sound of Yeontan happily munching on his food resounded loudly throughout the heavy silence. Jungkook shrugged nonchalantly at the nurse's question. "Then I get sick," Jungkook answered for Taehyung. "And then my immune system kicks in and fights the motherfucker into submission. Don't think I get sick that easily. I'm not weak and neither is my immune system," Jungkook retorted, staring at the nurse with a severe expression. The nurse just rolled his eyes at Jungkook's response and went back to his paperwork, waving Jungkook off.

Jungkook grit his teeth in annoyance as he turned his attention back towards Taehyung with an apologetic smile. "It looks like our little get together is going to have to wait, huh?" Jungkook asked, realizing they wouldn't be able to do anything fun in front of the nurse either. Taehyung smiled softly at Jungkook as Jungkook leaned down and gently pecked Taehyung's lips. He then leaned down and pet Yeontan's head softly before waving towards Taehyung and walking towards the door. Although, he didn't completely leave without flipping the nurse his middle finger from around the corner of the door before vanishing.

The nurse sighed loudly as he lowered his glasses from the bridge of his nose. "Did that young man just flip me off?" he asked, squinting his eyes towards the door. Taehyung covered his mouth to keep from laughing out loud before shaking his head at the nurse's question. "No. Not at all," he lied, still trying to suppress a giggle.

The nurse sighed loudly and stood up from his desk as he sauntered over towards Taehyung. "You know, all I have to do is tell your parents that you're better and you never get to see that boy again. Just let that sink in," the nurse declared, crossing his arms over his chest. Taehyung stared at the nurse in open mouth horror as he grabbed the nurse's sleeve. "Please! You can't tell them I'm better! Even when I do recover," he cried out, his eyebrows drawn in defeat. "I- I don't want to lose Jungkook!"

The nurse quirked an interested eyebrow as he glanced down at Taehyung's hand tugging his sleeve. Relishing the sudden change in Taehyung's demeanor once his parents were mentioned. "What's in it for me?" the nurse asked, uncrossing his arms and leaning fully on the one positioned against Taehyung's bed while the other tilted softly on his hip. Taehyung looked up at the nurse as he scoured his brain for any thoughts. "M- money? Cl- clothes? A- anything! Anything you want! But you can't tell them when I've recovered! At least for a month... At least until I can figure out a way to change my Papa's mind on my future fiancé..." Taehyung trailed off, unable to continue. He didn't want to marry someone he had to interview. He wasn't a business transaction and he wasn't going to be treated like one either.

The nurse leaned slightly closer to Taehyung as he was lost in his own thoughts. "Anything, you say?" The nurse asked as Taehyung unconsciously backed away. Taehyung looked up at the nurse once more, noticing the look in his eye as he cleared his throat softly. "Y- yes... Anything," Taehyung answered softly in response, realizing just how close the nurse was now. The nurse smirked at Taehyung's hesitancy as Taehyung swallowed hard. "Well now. I guess I could postpone telling your parents you've recovered for about 2 months under two conditions since I'll be lying to your father for the most part," the nurse asserted, stooping even closer to Taehyung.

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