
Jungkook's body felt heavy as he slumped into his seat at the dining hall for dinner by himself. He picked at his food, eating very little of what he'd paid for before yawning and staring blankly at his food. He wasn't really hungry. It wasn't long before Hoseok and Yoongi walked over to him and joined him without permission, warm smiles settled on their faces. "Hey there," Hoseok greeted, noticing the exhausted and dismal expression on Jungkook's face.

Jungkook's eyes peeked up slightly from his food, barely acknowledging them before he pushed his food around on his tray again with his fork. "Hey," he greeted groggily, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. Hoseok tilted his head at Jungkook's lack of enthusiasm as he ate a spoonful of his sweet corn. "Are you feeling okay? You seem a little off," Hoseok commented as Yoongi leaned forward to test his temperature because he'd been looking a little flushed. Without notice, Jungkook leaned away from Yoongi's outstretched hand in alarm, staring at his hand with a scowl. "I'm fine. What are you doing?" Jungkook asked, pushing his food around on his tray skeptically.

Yoongi and Hoseok glanced at each other for a moment before Yoongi retracted his hand. "Okay, sorry," Yoongi apologized, shifting back into his seat. "You just look really tired, that's all. Have you been taking care of yourself or doing any drugs?" Yoongi asked, taking a bite of mashed potatoes as he stared at Jungkook. Yoongi was concerned about the dark circles under Jungkook's eyes that hadn't been there previously.

Jungkook glared at Yoongi and Hoseok, annoyed with their questions. He grabbed his tray up and stood at the same time, walking away from them. As they watched him, he dumped the food he'd barely eaten and left the cafeteria. Hoseok glanced at Yoongi once more before sighing softly. "He was with Taehyung earlier outside of school. The only thing I can guess is that he's high on something," Hoseok expressed, shaking his head in disappointment before continuing to eat his food.

Jungkook strode briskly down the hallway in case Yoongi and Hoseok had pursued him, they wouldn't catch up to him. He glanced back to make sure they weren't following him before slowing his steps and leaning against the wall. He placed his head in his hand to stop the room from spinning as his breathing became labored. He inevitably didn't feel typical, but he evaluated it was because he was fatigued from their outing. He heaved himself away from the wall, wobbling slightly as he resumed his direction to his dorm room. He felt he required sleep in order to feel like himself again. He trudged to his dorm room, lazily opening the door and plunged onto the closest bed. He was fast asleep before Hoseok had even finished his dinner. When Hoseok did enter their room, after some quality time with Yoongi, he found Jungkook fast asleep on his bed with his face buried in his pillows and blankets. Hoseok sighed with annoyance and flopped onto Jungkook's bed to get some sleep.


Hoseok woke the next morning, stretching as he glanced over at his own bed to see Jungkook still passed out with his own sheets covering Jungkook's head. He tilted his head in confusion and concern as he stood from Jungkook's bed. He walked over towards his bed and gently shook Jungkook, trying to wake him for his classes. Jungkook whined softly in his sleep, Hoseok actually finding that quite adorable before Jungkook rolled over and covered his head once more. "Jungkook," Hoseok called sternly, shaking him once again.

Jungkook groaned and peeked over his shoulder at Hoseok with glaring, ominous eyes. "I'm still tired," Jungkook responded blankly, turning away from Hoseok yet again. Before Hoseok could even protest, he heard the soft and even breathing of Jungkook, who'd already fallen back to sleep. "Jungkook! You have class," Hoseok shouted as Jungkook whipped the blanket off of himself to get up. He wasn't going to get any more rest with Hoseok yelling in his ear like that.

Hoseok bit his lip at Jungkook's appearance, his concern escalating as he glimpsed the dark bags under Jungkook's eyes that had only developed darker. Hoseok was certain Jungkook was passed out before him and he felt well rested now. How could Jungkook still appear so exhausted? "Jungkook? A- are you seriously okay?" Hoseok asked as Jungkook reeled on him. "I'm fine! Why does everyone keep asking me that?!" Jungkook shouted and staggered drastically, almost falling into his desk. "There's no need to be so concerned... I'm just a little dizzy, that's all," Jungkook added, his temper suddenly gone as he plodded towards the bathroom to get ready.

Hoseok continued to watch Jungkook as he trudged around the room to get dressed in clean clothes. Hoseok couldn't help but think that something more was bothering Jungkook than just being dizzy. Jungkook seemed more ailed than he was admitting, his body exhibiting indications of severe fatigue. "Maybe... You should see the nurse," Hoseok suggested, worried about Jungkook since he'd been asleep longer than Hoseok himself and still seemed extremely tired.

Jungkook directed a glare towards Hoseok, his eyes darker than normal with the vitality seemingly sucked out of them. "How many times do I have to fucking say I'm fine?" Jungkook asked calmly, almost as if defeated. Hoseok didn't find that the natural Jungkook response but he said nothing more as he eyed the outfit Jungkook had put on. "You're going to wear that?" Hoseok asked, studying the all black outfit.

Jungkook positioned his hands on his hips, still glaring at Hoseok. "Yeah? And? Taehyung bought it for me, so I'm going to wear it since I plan to see him today," Jungkook announced, tossing the black leather corset at Hoseok. "Now help me get that around my waist and let's get going to class," Jungkook added, turning his back towards Hoseok and moving his hands from his hips. Hoseok slowly approached Jungkook, encircling the corset around Jungkook's waist as Jungkook tended to buttoning the snaps in front. Hoseok tied the corset tightly in the back and studied Jungkook's outfit once more. "Tae bought that for you? I- I see," Hoseok stammered, deflated by that fact. "I- It seems like something he'd like now that I look at it..."

Jungkook rolled his eyes at Hoseok's blatant jealousy before walking towards the door and yanking it open. "Well? Are we going? You bitched yesterday about having to be late to your classes," Jungkook noted as Hoseok studied the outfit once more. "Aren't you going to be cold? We have to cross the courtyard to get to your anger management class, you know?"

Jungkook sighed with exasperation as he gestured towards the door once more. "Now. I'll be fine. I survived in this yesterday, at night. It shouldn't be much different today," Jungkook argued in irritation as they walked towards his class. Hoseok noticed that Jungkook wasn't fighting him on much today as he gripped his backpack strap tightly. "Sorry... I'm just really worried about you," Hoseok stated, surprised by his own words.

Jungkook rolled his eyes as they crossed the courtyard, his fatigue overwhelming and hitting him hard. Jungkook reeled, his head throbbing with pain as he took a shaky step forward. He felt his body wobble unsteadily as he forced his body to cooperate with him. "I don't know how many times I have to say it," he argued feebly, trudging deliberately behind Hoseok. His body felt unnaturally heavy to him now, but this feeling would pass. It always did after a couple of days of rest.

Jungkook made it to his anger management class, forcing himself to perk up as if nothing were wrong. He didn't want to greet Taehyung in the nurse's office in a gloomy mood, especially after the way he'd acted yesterday. When the bell rang, signifying that class had commenced, the teacher droned on about ways to counter anger. The strategies that he provided, Jungkook had already attempted before: counting to ten, pausing before speaking to gather his thoughts, postponing actions- yet again to gather his thoughts, counting colors and other such nonsense. None of those techniques worked for him because when he was infuriated, it was like he was a different person. All he saw was red while his body responded to his wrath. It was something that he was finding harder and harder to control.

The teacher called on him, snapping Jungkook back into reality as his head reeled from the abrupt motion. "Yes?" Jungkook almost shouted, surprised he was called upon. "You heard what I just explained, correct?" The teacher asked, staring at Jungkook in concern. Jungkook nodded swiftly in surprise, gripping his head from the rapid throbbing as he forced a smile. "Yeah, yeah. About counting colors and whatnot," Jungkook answered confidently, lifting his head from the palm of his hand. The teacher shook his head as he sighed. "No. The part about there always being a source for your anger. So, Jungkook? What's the source of your anger?"

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