29- Obtaining your Way

Start from the beginning

Yoongi smiled softly and smacked Hoseok's arm playfully before hugging him back. "Yeah, that sounds fair. Should we go inform the third party to our relationship and see if he consents?" Yoongi asked, looking up at Hoseok. Hoseok thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Let Jungkook fuck up again and then we'll inform him. He'll be more apt to listen to us then," Hoseok stated, kissing Yoongi's cheek softly.


The moment Jungkook's anger management class was over, he scooped up his bag and booked it towards the door. Not even turning back when he heard the teacher calling out to him for something. He surely didn't care nor would he ever care since it involved a teacher and a classroom. When he felt he was a safe distance away from the classroom door, he slowed down significantly.

He was in no hurry to get anywhere else. Not even to his next classroom. He glanced out the window, the dingy brick walls and barbed wire fencing along the top reminding him where he subsisted. He longed to be anywhere else but on this campus. Things were okay when he was beside Taehyung, his life didn't seem so droll then. Now though? That was the problem.

He didn't have someone beside him keeping him company with idle conversation or anything of that sort. He suddenly felt trapped, a feeling he did not experience often. He gripped the strap of his bag and quickly walked the other direction away from his class, even though he'd spend his days here until he could behave. He wasn't concerned about that right now as he fumbled his way back towards the nurse's office.


Taehyung slowly sat up from the bed, rubbing his sleepy eyes at the only other thing present in the room at that moment. Yeontan. Taehyung grabbed the small dog and pushed his blankets aside as he stood to his feet, the tile floor cold against his bare skin. He shivered slightly from the sudden change in temperature, coughing deeply as he searched around the room.

He realized he had not yet fed the puppy and he knew Yeontan must be hungry by now. He scanned the room for any bowl he could use for the dog, only to realize he didn't have any dog food for him either. He glanced down at the puppy and sighed heavily as Jungkook stumbled his way into the room.

Taehyung glanced up and smiled at Jungkook, cradling Yeontan as he approached Jungkook. "We should go shopping! For Yeontan, you know? He's going to need puppy food and a collar! A bowl and a leash! All sorts of things," Taehyung exclaimed excitedly, happy to see Jungkook. He didn't realize he'd missed him that much as he stopped and tapped his chin in thought. "But... Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

Jungkook shrugged and wrapped his arm around Taehyung's shoulders with a happy bunny smile. "It's okay if I skip a few more. I went to my anger management class, that's all that matters," Jungkook announced, glad to have someone keep him company again. "But are you sure you're okay enough to be up and out shopping?"

Taehyung laughed softly at Jungkook's words, tapping his nose lightly. "Just like you, I can miss a few more classes," he joked, scratching between Yeontan's ears. "Plus, they almost never tell me no. I'm also certain that the nurse hasn't said anything about me being ill to the warden yet. At least, I hope. Then they might actually tell me no," Taehyung commented, walking towards the nurse's office door. "Well? Are you coming? I have to go change first," Taehyung added, motioning for Jungkook to follow him.

Jungkook followed Taehyung to his room, wondering if Taehyung was pretending to feel sufficient enough to shop. He kept shivering on their way to his room. Taehyung opened the door carefully, peeking around to make sure it was vacant before signaling for Jungkook to step inside. "Let me freshen up really quick and we can be on our way," Taehyung stated, scrambling towards the bathroom.

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