Into the Right Arms

Start from the beginning

He flips us over and this time we were lying down and he was on top of me. He breathed out my name causing me to shiver in delight. We were fully unclothed and he began to make love to me. I called out his name and in the most lustful way. "Bright..." he smiled into the crook of my neck and enjoyed it.

All of a sudden everything seems to fade away, even him. I panicked because the love of my… wait, love of my… I thought that Joss was my… No he never was. He used me and put me in this mess, a voiced echoed from a far.

I jolted awake and looked around. I remember now. I remember everything and what happened! I can't believe Joss would do such a thing! I had to leave, now. I clothed myself with something warmed and made my way down the steps as quietly as I called. As I began to open the door an eerily voice called out. "Going somewhere?" I cringed and tried to make a run for it.

Bright P.O.V.

I thought that Rachel would have been the one to keep Win from contacting me but he hasn't answered any texts or calls from me. He hasn't even called me once. The situation has been improving and since things started to slow down, I thought I would visit him at his college. I brought chocolates and macarons because he has a sweet tooth and I hoped it would make him happy and forgive me for being away for too long.

Students began to file out one by one then in groups. As the last few came out I didn't see Win at all and began to get worried. I saw one of his friends, Luke, if I remembered correctly because he had a horse face. I pulled him to the side and gave him a look before he could fight me. It seemed to work because he remained quiet. "Where is Win?" I asked. "Who's asking?" he answered back and I gave him a death glare. This little shit head. "His fiancé, who else?" At that statement he gave me a knowing look. "You're Win's fiancé! Bright right?" He exclaimed and I nodded.

He scrunched up his face for bit and then spoke. "I remembered that the next day after we hung out he caught a really bad fever. He left his bag in my car and I gave his bag to a man wearing a suit at the front office because that was the same man who said he wouldn't be able to attend school for a bit since he was sick. The man didn't look related to Win but he apparently said he was just calling in to report it as orders from his fiancé. Dude you must be loaded if you have people doing your biding. But I thought Win was with you?" I couldn't believe what was coming from his mouth. Nothing seems to add up. I tried to call him again but it didn't work. Instead I asked horse face here, who he was last seen with.

"Who was he with when you last saw him?" he thought for a bit and looked a bit sad. "Last I saw him, he was getting dropped up by a friends of ours, Joss." That bastard and my idiot, didn't he know not to go with him. I said thanks and rushed into my car. I called Prim and immediately began to go in any direction. "Prim, track down Win's ring." I'm glad I had a tracking device installed in his ring after what happened last time. I only meant for it so I could keep track of where he is and if he ran away but never would I have thought I would use it for this.

She hummed and gave me the address. I quickly thanked her and made a sharp turn to my new destination. When I find my brat he is going to be punished.

Joss P.O.V.

I wanted to make love to him but I didn't want to force him. As much as I wanted it and fantasize about it, I didn't want to rape him, anything but that. In my state of fit I pushed him aside when I shouldn't have. When I cooled off I decided to come and check him in our room. He wasn't there. Instead I heard the door opening and immediately I felt adrenaline run through me. He couldn't have, could he? Immediately I called out to him. "Going somewhere?" He turned around and I knew that he remembered.

He didn't look guilty or try to explain himself. He only tried to run. I quickly slipped on my boots and ran for him. Running in thick rain isn't the greatest thing to run through but thankfully it slowed him down. Even though I wasn't doing much for Narawat's mafia, I still saw it fit for me to work out and it came in handy. I caught up with Win as he struggle to run. "Let me go! I don't love you Joss! Don't you get it, I'm in love with someone else!" He shouted and my heart dropped. Even if he did, I wasn't going to let him go.

I threw him over my shoulder and walked back to our house. If only I hadn't rushed him. If only I hadn't tried to make love with him. He began to hit my back but it dulled as he grew tired. I quickly locked the door and removed our shoes. When I reached our room I grabbed hand cuffs and cuffed him to the bed. "You won't get away with this!" he screamed and I only smiled. "Already have love." I kissed him and he bit me. I hummed. "I didn't know you liked that." He attempted to kick me but I held his legs in place. "I'm sure you'll learn to love me." With one last kiss I left the room then locked the door.

I left the house to fill up our pantry because it seems I wouldn't be leaving anytime soon for the mafia. I locked the door with tight security and if it opened, I would be alerted. There would be no way anyone would be able to find him. I picked a home far from any other houses.

Bright P.O.V.

Two fucking hours later, I pulled up to a house that looked empty. There were no lights on and for a moment I doubted Prim. But after I heard a muffled screamed I followed it. It leads me to the back of the house. I heard it more clearly and I noticed that it was Win's.

I wanted so desperately to call out to him that I was here but if that bastard was there he would most likely try to escape with the brat, with what is mine. I climbed the walls of the house using the pipes and small crevices as assistance. Finally at the window of the room that I assumed contained my lover, I broke the window to get through.

My bunny was lying on the bed looking so broken. He had stitches to his head and what seemed to be a small bruise. His hair was disheveled and he eyes were red. Immediately I ran to him and released him from his bindings. He was crying out my name and my heart clench every time he called out to me. "Bright….Bright…." Once he was free he held on to me and I kissed his forehead then his lips.

"Shhh, I'm here now." After a few minutes passed he quieted down and I picked him up the way a man should carry his wife. Win wrapped his arms around my neck and inhaled my scent at the neck. "I miss you so much Bright." I hummed in agreement. "I'm sorry for not trying to call you again after our first phone call away. I thought that you were mad at me or that Rachel prevented you from calling me. I gave you space and trusted that Rachel would take good care of you, just what happened?" I asked and he paled.

"I'll have to tell you in the car." I nodded and we walked out the front door. From the silent echoing throughout the house and the fact that the bunny hasn't said anything else, I assumed that the bastard wasn't in. Hah, I'd like to his face when he finds out I've taken back what was originally mines.

I buckled him into the front and he whined a bit. I chuckled then ruffled his hair. I ran to the other side of the car door and pulled out of the driveway. We had so much to tell each other and a lot of explaining to do on the bunny's part.

Joss P.O.V.

My phone alerted me that the front door was opened and immediately I speed the rest of the way back to get there before he could escape. I was too late, there was no Win in the house. No, no I would get him back and I knew where to look as I watch my security cameras.

To be continued.

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