Part 5

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(The Next Morning)

I got woken up by the sound of knocking on the front door. I groaned and walked downstairs, I opened the door and a smiley faced Tayler was standing there with Dunkin donuts.

"Morning," He said and I let him in and groaned again. We went over to the kitchen and. Tayler put the stuff down on the counter

"Tayler Holder it's nine am and Lara isn't even awake yet," and if on on cue I could here her crying upstairs.

"Well I did say I was going to come by today and I brought food and coffee so here I am," He said cutely.

"Here get some caffeine in you and eat something, I'll got take car of Lara," He said and I smiled.

"Ok, be careful with her tho, she has a bottle ready in the mini fridge in the nursery," I said and he chuckled.

"You have a mini fridge in her nursery?" He questioned and I nodded. I took a sip of the Ice coffee he got me as he walked upstairs. After a couple of minutes Tayler came back downstairs with Lara in his arms.

"Hi pretty girl," I said in babyish tone and Tayler passed Lara to me.

"So is there a plan for today or are you going to lay around the house?" Tayler asked.

"Probably going to watch movies all day and Lara has an appointment at five," I said and he smiled.

"The I'll take you to the appointment," Tayler said and Lara squealed.

"What? Do you like riding in Tayler's car?" I asked babyishly and Lara played with her fingers in her mouth.

"She's such a happy little girl," Tayler commented.

"I think she likes you," I said and we talked while eating the Dunkin. After cleaning up we went over to the living room and I put Lara down on her play mat for the first time. I laid her on her back so she could look at the toys.

"What should we watch?" Tayler asked as I sat next to him. I shrugged and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I looked at him and he smiled. We chose a random movie and watched for a little bit till Lara got fussy. I picked her up and took care of her before putting her down for a nap on the blanket nest I seem to always have set up on the couch. I went to sit back down next to Tayler but ended up on his lap instead. I quickly moved off and we both laughed awkwardly.

"Sorry," I said and he chuckled.

"It's fine, I'd let you sit on my Lap anytime," He said and a smirk and I froze.

"Tayler..." I said, dragging out his name a little bit.

"I'd love to get you in trouble with Jaden, it just matters if you'll let me," He whispered in my ear and I got up quickly.

"Tayler I can't," I said and he sat at the edge of the couch.

"You can't what?" He questioned.

"Have sex," I said and he chuckled.

"I know," He said and I looked down at him. Tayler pulled me closer to him and I got onto his lap. He held my hips and smirked.

"So you're ok with getting in trouble?" He questioned and I bit my lip.

"If it's with you," I said before he smashed his lips onto mine. I kissed back and things got a little carried away before my phone started ringing. I pulled away and looked at the caller ID. It was Jaden. I quickly got off Tayler and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey," I answered.

"Hey, I just woke up and wanted to hear your voice," Jaden said and I smiled.

"Lara is sleeping but how was your first day?" I asked.

"Good, we really didn't do much but I'm already missing you and the baby," He said and Tayler walked into the kitchen.

"Who is it?" He mouthed.

"Jaden I can't wait for these three months to be over already," I said and Tayler rolled his eyes.

"Me too, I gotta go but I'll call you tonight and you can tell me how Lara's appointment went," Jaden said and we said our goodbyes before he hung up. He remembered the appointment, he was always good at remembering things.

"I'm sorry," He said and I knew what he was talking about.

"Tayler it's ok we got caught up in the moment but I am still with Jaden, kind of, " I said and Tayler nodded.

"I'll be back around 4 to bring you to Lara's appointment," Tayler said and grabbed his key's of the kitchen counter. I followed him to the door and he stopped to look at me.

"See you later," I said and pecked his lips, Tayler smiled.

"We're going to get into so much trouble," Tayler said before kissing me quickly and leaving. What's a little fling going to do? Jaden doesn't have to know and I'm just can't get to comfortable with Tayler.

Once A Party Boy, Always A Party Boy? Jaden Hossler × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now